Is there any way to detect month change in android

2019-03-15 08:02发布


I want to get month shown in calendar view and i cant figure it out. i tried

calendarView.setOnDateChangeListener(new CalendarView.OnDateChangeListener() {

        public void onSelectedDayChange(CalendarView view, int year, int month,
                                        int dayOfMonth) {
            int d = dayOfMonth;
            int m = month;
            Log.d("month", "" + m);
            String curDate = String.valueOf(d);


but it only triggers when user click to the days of month. What i want is when user changes the month i want the changed month(i.e. the month shown in calendar view.) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I think from Android's default CalendarView you can't achieve what you want. For this you need to implement your custom calendar or any other library which provides this implementation or provides listeners or gestures for swiping between months. Refer this link if it helps you: Material-CalendeView

And this is the sample code:

 MaterialCalendarView calendarView = new MaterialCalendarView(getActivity());
 calendarView.setOnMonthChangedListener(new OnMonthChangedListener() {
     public void onMonthChanged(MaterialCalendarView widget, CalendarDay date) {
            //Do something like this
            Date date1 = date.getDate();

Hope it helps you.