I'm looking for a java argument (or perhaps some different method) to allow me to specify a file to be used by the JVM as the java.security file, rather than using the one found in the JDK (in the JRE lib).
To give you a little more context, I am working with a WebLogic server that was set up by someone else and is running two (or more) different JVMs off the same JDK. We have run into an issue now where the work I'm doing on one JVM requires a different java.security file than the one that is currently being used by the other JVM. I am hoping there will be a way for me to just point my JVM at a new java.security file without having to point it at an entirely new JDK (due to space constraints, we would like to avoid uploading a JDK specific to each JVM).
I realize that the server's set up is not ideal, but completely rearranging the existing set up is not viable and not something I am in a position to do. So, I am hoping someone might have a creative solution that would allow for multiple JVMs running off the same JDK but with different security configurations.
I have been trying to find solutions out there, but it seems my Google-Foo is not as strong as I had hoped. Here's to hoping one of you has the answer!
Many thanks.
Sorry maybe my original post was not clear, but I am interested in specifying the java.security file, also often referred to as the Java master security properties file, not the java.policy file which is found in the same directory.
My Solution
I will post my solution here just for reference of others who might fall into a similar situation.
As I can't seem to find an argument to specify at start up, I have decided that I will have to forgo the java.security properties file. It is possible to set properties and providers (typically configured in the file) within code using the Security class (java.security.Security). So, at least in the interim, I plan to write a class that will go through setting up my JVM specific security configurations after startup (essentially overwriting the default configurations provided by the file for the other JVM). While the obvious downside of this solution is that is does not externalize security configurations of this JVM, the solution does provide me a way to set JVM specific properties and providers without affecting the configuration of other JVMs running off the same JDK.
I appreciate the time and consideration given by others. Thanks =)