I am using ACE editor on my page,
<script src="ace-builds-master/src-noconflict/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
By default it is showing a font, I want to change my font to 'Tahoma 10pt'.
How do I do that?
To change font you can either add a css rule for #editor
or use
fontFamily: "tahoma",
fontSize: "10pt"
But Ace only supports monospace fonts for now, and tahoma isn't monospace, so cursor position will be wrong.
To my knowledge there is no shortcut to directly change Ace's font family other than editor.setOptions()
However you can set the font size in pixels directly by calling:
editor.setFontSize(10) // will set font-size: 10px