Consider a MVP-ish set of types. An abstract Presenter exists, with a View interface:
public interface View {
public abstract class AbstractPresenter<V extends View> {
@Inject V view;
Then, lets have a specific concrete presenter subclass, with its view interface and implementation:
public interface LoginView extends View {
public LoginPresenter extends AbstractPresenter<LoginView> {
public class LoginViewImpl implements LoginView {
In a Dagger module, of course we would define a @Provides
LoginView provideLoginView() {
return new LoginViewImpl();
In Guice you could write this the same way, or just bind(LoginView.class).to(LoginViewImpl.class)
However, in Dagger (both v1 and the 2.0-SNAPSHOT from Google), this produces an error, since it can't figure out what V
is when creating the binding wiring for AbstractPresenter<V>
. On the other hand, Guice figures out that that because it is actually creating a LoginPresenter
, so it needs an implementation of LoginView
Dagger 1.2.2:$$[21,31] cannot find symbol
symbol: class V
location: class$$InjectAdapter
Dagger 2.0-SNAPSHOT:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: V
at dagger.internal.codegen.writer.TypeNames$2.defaultAction(
at dagger.internal.codegen.writer.TypeNames$2.defaultAction(
at javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6.visitTypeVariable(
at dagger.internal.codegen.writer.TypeNames.forTypeMirror(
at dagger.internal.codegen.MembersInjectorGenerator.write(
at dagger.internal.codegen.MembersInjectorGenerator.write(
at dagger.internal.codegen.SourceFileGenerator.generate(
at dagger.internal.codegen.InjectBindingRegistry.generateSourcesForRequiredBindings(
at dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentProcessor.process(
My question: Is this a bug? Is this a missing feature? Or is this a performance issue that Dagger is protecting us from (a la SerializableTypeOracleBuilder in GWT RPC)?
Note that this same issue occurs when V
is referred to as Provider<V>
, Lazy<V>
, etc.