What is inferred latch and how it is created when

2019-01-06 19:13发布


I tried to figure out the inferred latch and why it is needed internally, but I couldn't find any resources with enough detail.


A latch is inferred within a combinatorial block where the net is not assigned to a known value. Assign a net to itself will still infer a latch. Latches can also be inferred by missing signals form a sensitivity list and feedback loops.

The proper way of inferring a intended latch in Verilog/SystemVerilog are:

/* Verilog */       ////    /* SystemVerilog */
always @*           ////    always_latch
begin               ////    begin
  if (en) q = d;    ////      if (en) q = d;
end                 ////    end

Ways latches are accidentally inferred:

  • Signal(s) missing for the sensitivity list (this is why @* should be used):

    always @(a or b) // inferred latch :: "c" missing for the sensitivity list.
      out = a + b + c;
  • Missing Condition:

    always @*
       2'b00:  out = 1'b0;
       2'b01:  out = 1'b1;
       2'b10:  out = 1'b1;
       // inferred latch "out" :: missing condition 2'b11/default
    always @*
      next0 = flop0;
      next1 = flop1;
      // inferred latch "next2" :: missing initial condition
      next3 = flop3;
       3'b001:             next0 = in;
       3'b010:  if(b)      next1 = in;
       3'b100:  if(c)      next2 = in;
       default: if(!b&&!c) next3 = in;
  • Feedback Loop:

    assign out = en ? in : out; // inferred latch "out" :: feedback to mux
    assign a = en ? z : c;
    // ... any amount of code between ...
    assign z = en ? a : y; // inferred latch "a" :: feedback chain
    • Feedback loops can traverse through the hierarchy and design.

How to mitigate the risk of unintended latches:

  • Make intended latches simple and identifiable:
    • Put intended latches in their own always blocks with as little combinatorial logic as possible; ideally put the latches' combinatorial logic in its own separate always block. Be as explicit and identify intended latches. Use comments, labels, and if possible use the SystemVerilog always_latch.
  • All combinatorial logic blocks need to be defined with always @* or SystemVerilog's always_comb.
  • Make sure all variables assigned in a combinatorial logic blocks have an initial or default assignment.
    • case statements should have a default condition.
    • if statements should have a corresponding else.
    • When the combinatorial logic blocks is assigning many variables, giving each variable an initial value at the start of the block (before any case or if).
  • Know where the inputs are coming from and where the outputs are going to.
    • The inputs of combinatorial logic should be flops or the outputs combinatorial logic should be flops.
  • Do code reviews, use linting tools and logical-equivalency-checking tools.
    • Code review requires the reviewer(s) to know where latches could hide.
    • Using SystemVerilog's always_comb can help identify inferred latches with linting and logical-equivalency-checking tools.

Worst case scenario, put all logic inside synchronous blocks. All inferred latches become inferred flip-flops. This is usually a bad idea because it can unnecessarily increases the gate count, create more routing, and impact timing.


A latch is inferred when the output of combinatorial logic has undefined states, that is it must hold its previous value.

Combinatorial logic does not have any flip-flop to hold state therefore the output should always be defined by the inputs.

A short example might be:

always @* begin
  if (a == 1'b1) begin
    b =  x|y|z;

What is b when a == 1'b0. b is not being overridden so it would hold its value. How can something hold its value when it does not have the concept of state. You have to introduce state by inferring a latch. This is normally a really bad thing.

You can imply latches and be carefull about the timing etc but inferred latches are nominally from buggy code.


Latches are only generated with combinational always blocks. Sequential logic will never generate a latch.

For more information read about how transparent latches are created and how to avoid inferring latches

标签: verilog