I have a WPF Image control with attached blur effect.
Is there a way to save the image (with blur) without using RenderTargetBitmap?
Thank you.
UPDATE: I'm using now new custom effect which derives from System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect.
I would like to save my image with shader effect applied.
the only way you can render the bitmap is using RenderTargetBitmap.
Have a look at this example:
BitmapSource bitmap=GetYourBitmap();
Rectangle r=new Rectangle();
r.Background=new ImageBrush(bitmap);
Size sz=new Size(bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight);
r.Arrange(new Rect(sz);
var rtb=new RenderTargetBitmap();
return rtb;//here is your bitmap with effects applied
Hope this helps
I know this is an old question ... but I thought I would point people to Jamie Rodriguez's post (http://blogs.msdn.com/jaimer/archive/2009/07/03/rendertargetbitmap-tips.aspx) on this subject.
I had a situation where using RenderTargetBitmap was resulting in an empty image ... and Jamie's post was the answer for me.
Hope it helps someone else too.
This is something I wanted also. According to this: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/wpfprerelease/thread/e2ebf264-e087-4bfe-a69b-24c884675c80 RenderTargetBitmap does not use HW (GPU) to render, only software. What a pity.
Since the shader effect is by definition applied on the video card, the only way you can get a copy of it in main memory is to grab it from screen memory. So RenderTargetBitmap is your solution. Is there any particular reason you wanted to avoid it?
Here you go: http://perspectivefx.codeplex.com/ and all work done by GPU