
Google API: Not a valid origin for the client: url

2019-03-14 06:29发布


I need help. I don't found an answer to my question. I tried googling and I tried asking on other sides but I never found an answer.

I'm working with the google API (Youtube data API) and I use the example code from the google side the code it works I'm pretty sure about that. I got an error when i try to start the Script:

details: "Not a valid origin for the client: "MyURL" has not been whitelisted for client ID "MyID". Please go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID."

error: "idpiframe_initialization_failed"

The problem i whitelisted my Website and it's accepted. i don't know what is wrong. What should i do to "whitelist" my Domain (It's whitelisted)

And another question. I did not search for an answer on this question before.

I think it's possible that I can use the code on Localhost, I think I must whitelist my localhost address or something like this. But whitelisting does not work.

  • DreamGamer


Had the same problem and here's how I solved it:

  1. Activate both Analytics and Google Plus APIs on your project
  2. Create new OAUTH 2.0 client credentials
    • Add the Authorized Javascript Origins under Restrictions section
  3. Use the new client id.



I cleared cache. Started working then.

In Chrome: Settings --> Advanced --> Clear browsing data --> Cached images and files


For me, it worked without adding any of the additional APIs like google analytics. Just make sure to add the complete clientid and open the app in incognito window to avoid saving the cache. If already have opened the app in regular window, 1- Close all tabs that app is open at. 2- Clear the cache and cookies. In chrome, its in Settings --> Passwords and forms -> Clear Browsing data -> Advanced (tab) -> select a) Cookies and other site data and b) Cached images and files 3- Open a fresh incognito window and test your app.


Try Clearing cache it could be issue with cache/localstorage.


Clearing the cache did the trick for me


I just made the same mistake: Tried the official quickstart example and received the same error message as you.

It is rather confusing, because that example is a complete example that uses OAuth for user login, and NOT just the API key. If you don't want to use OAuth, and you only want to retrieve some Youtube data, without any privileged actions (e.g. if you only want to search or list videos, channels or playlists), this example is for you.

The solution is simple, just provide apiKey instead of clientId to gapi.client.init (link: API docs), like so:

const apiKey = '<my API key>';

function gooApiInitClient() {
  // Array of API discovery doc URLs for APIs used by the quickstart
  const discoveryDocs = ["https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/youtube/v3/rest"];

  return gapi.client.init({

// see: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/reference/referencedocs
gapi.load('client', {
  callback: function() {
    // we now have gapi.client! initialize it.
      then(() => {
        // we can start using the API here!
        // e.g. gapi.client.youtube.videos.list(...);
      }).then(results => { 
        // use results here....


I believe this has to do with caching, try to Go to your browser and clear the cache, try: in chrome, > setting > advanced > clear browsing data :>: cached images and files.


I also followed the instructions in the quickstart example, Had the same problem, tried all the solutions suggested here to no avail, tried everything I could imagine but it didn't help.

Finally saw that I copied the CLIENT_ID with a space at the end.

  var CLIENT_ID = '44********-*****************.apps.googleusercontent.com ';

Once I fixed this (removed the extra space) it worked.

I guess the error message is not very precise in this case. Hope this helps.


I was having this exact same issue - the solution for me was to go into the API Manager and enable the Analytics API. Not sure what the issue was, but this seems to have fixed it!