I'm attempting to follow the Custom property API for Polymer elements docs with regards to updating an element's CSS properties (and styles) programmatically but can't seem to get it working. Here is my current attempt:
<link rel="import" href="https://rawgit.com/Polymer/polymer/master/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="my-namecard">
:host {
--color: green;
span {
color: var(--color, orange);
Hi! My name is <span>{{name}}</span>
<button on-click="redClick">Set text to Red</button>
<button on-click="blueClick">Set text to Blue</button>
is: 'my-namecard',
properties: {
name: {
type: String
redClick: function() {
console.log('Setting "--color" red');
this.customStyle['--color'] = 'red';
blueClick: function() {
console.log('Setting "--color" blue');
this.customStyle['--color'] = 'blue';
<my-namecard name="Sean"></my-namecard>
I've also attempted not setting a CSS property and using a direct style such as:
redClick: function() {
console.log('Setting "color" red');
this.customStyle['color'] = 'red';
I've created a codepen demonstrating the issue