I have an Ionic project and I want it to work as if it is a web server (say mamp + php).
Since ionic is able to display a project in browser localy (using ionic serve), I am pretty sure it is able to do that. I have a simple ovh server.
How could I do that ?
You gonna need send all your project files (www folder) and dependencies to an web server.
You can try.
$ cd [ionic project]
$ ionic platform add browser
$ cd [ionic project]/platforms/browser/
and move your www folder to your server [webapp] folder.
In your server:
1.Install Node.js
Install connect and serve-static
$ cd [webapp]
$ npm install connect serve-static
Create server.js file
var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
Run serve
$ node server.js &
Now you can go to http://yourdomain:8080/index.html
I hope this can help you :)
Great answer Carlos, it was very helpful. If you connect to your server by ssh, the node server will stop running when you quit the ssh session. To avoid this problem run "node forever start server.js" instead of "node server.js &".