I am trying to replace a string :::
with ::
for all lines in a batch of txtfiles (it can be considered as a word since there's always a space in front and behind it.
I can do it with python like below, but is there a less 'over-kill' / convoluted way of doing this through the unix terminal? (Many pipes allowed)
indir = "./td/"
outdir = './od/'
for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(indir,"*")):
_,FILENAME = os.path.split()
for l in codecs.open(infile,'r','utf8').readlines():
l = l.replace(":::","::").strip()
outfile = codecs.open(os.path.join(outdir,FILENAME),'a+','utf8')
print>>outfile, l
Then i move all files from od to td mv ./od/* ./td/*