how can i see how much of the stack space is currently used in my delphi app? i had a very strange error that sounds like stack trouble. i'd like to add it to my app's log to get some idea how much stack space is in use/remaining. using the debugger is probably not so great because the routine can be called many times.
thank you!
This should give you your current stack usage:
function CurrentStackUsage: DWord;
mov eax, fs:[4]
sub eax, esp
I don't remember off the top of my head a simple way to get the max stack size at run-time, but you have the default value in your linker options.
VMmap from SysInternals can give you a graphical view of each type of memory used by your application, including stack. It does not give you the exact usage like the function in Per Larsen's answer, but may help you to visualize memory usage at different stages of your application.