I have a class which I want to be able to convert to json:
case class Page[T](items: Seq[T], pageIndex: Int, pageSize: Int, totalCount: Long)
object Page {
implicit val jsonWriter: Writes[Page[_]] = Json.writes[Page[_]]
The error is No apply function found matching unapply parameters
You can define Format[Page[T]]
for generic case class Page[T]
like this:
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
implicit def pageFormat[T: Format]: Format[Page[T]] =
((__ \ "items").format[Seq[T]] ~
(__ \ "pageIndex").format[Int] ~
(__ \ "pageSize").format[Int] ~
(__ \ "totalCount").format[Long])(Page.apply, unlift(Page.unapply))
Although this solution requires more typing, it keeps your case class Page[T]
clear of implicit parameter list or need to define concrete subclasses of Page[T]
I'd prefer this solution with trait
, but in case you do want to make your case class generic you could use one of 2 approaches.
In case you don't have to use Page[_]
, i.e. you'll always call toJson
on Page[Int]
or Seq[Page[String]]
, but not on Page[_]
or Seq[Page[_]]
object Page {
implicit def pageWriter[T: Writes](): Writes[Page[T]] = Json.writes[Page[T]]
In case you have to serialize Page[_]
case class Page[T](items: Seq[T],
pageIndex: Int,
pageSize: Int,
totalCount: Long)(
implicit val tWrites: Writes[T])
object Page {
implicit def pageWriter[T]: Writes[Page[T]] = new Writes[Page[T]] {
def writes(o: Page[T]): JsValue = {
implicit val tWrites = o.tWrites
val writes = Json.writes[Page[T]]
I don't think that you can have a generic writer for any type parameter. I propose following:
trait Page[T] {
val items: Seq[T]
val pageIndex: Int
val pageSize: Int
val totalCount: Long
case class IntPage(items: Seq[Int], pageIndex: Int, pageSize: Int, totalCount: Long) extends Page[Int]
object Page {
implicit def jsonWriter = Json.writes[IntPage]
maybe you can write something like:
case class Page(items: JsValue, pageIndex: Int, pageSize: Int, totalCount: Long)
Put the JsValue instead of the Seq[T]
here is my code example:
case class ResponseObject(state:Int = 1,data:JsValue)
case class City(id:Int,name:String,sort:String){
require(id > 0)
def list = Action {
implicit val cityFormat:Format[City] = Json.format[City]
implicit val responseFormat=Json.format[ResponseObject]