Memory leak in Node.js scraper

2019-03-13 06:34发布


This is a simple scraper written in JavaScript with Node.js, for scraping Wikipedia for periodic table element data. The dependencies are jsdom for DOM manipulation and chain-gang for queuing.

It works fine, most of the time (it doesn't handle errors gracefully), and the code isn't too bad, dare I say for a for attempt, but there is a serious fault with it - it leaks memory horribly, anywhere from 0.3% to 0.6% of the computer's memory for each element, such that by the time it gets to lead it would be using somewhere close to 20%, which is plainly unacceptable.

I've tried working with profilers, but I have either not found them to be helpful or have difficulty interpreting the data. I suspect it has something to do with the way processElement gets passed around, but I have difficulty in rewriting the queue code into something more elegant.

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    jsdom = require("jsdom"),
    parseUrl = require('url').parse,
    chainGang = require('chain-gang');

var chain = chainGang.create({
    workers: 1

var Settings = {
    periodicUrl: '',
    periodicSelector: '#bodyContent > table:first',
    pathPrefix: 'data/',
    ignoredProperties: ['Pronunciation']

function writeToFile(output) {
    var keys = 0;

    // Huge nests for finding the name of the element... yeah
    for(var i in output) {
        if(typeof output[i] === 'object' && output[i] !== null){
            for(var l in output[i]) {
                if(l.toLowerCase() === 'name') {
                    var name = output[i][l];

            keys += Object.keys(output[i]).length;

    console.log('Scraped ' + keys + ' properties for ' + name);
    console.log('Writing to ' + Settings.pathPrefix + name + '.json');
    fs.writeFile(Settings.pathPrefix + name + '.json', JSON.stringify(output));

// Generic create task function to create a task function that
// would be passed to the chain gang
function createTask (url, callback) {
    console.log('Task added - ' + url);

    return function(worker){
        console.log('Requesting: ' +url);

        jsdom.env(url, [
            'jquery.min.js' // Local copy of jQuery
        ], function(errors, window) {
                console.log('Error! ' + errors)
                createTask(url, callback);
            } else {
                // Give me thy $
                var $ = window.$;

                // Cleanup - remove unneeded elements
                $.fn.cleanup = function() {
                    return this.each(function(){
                        $(this).find('sup.reference, .IPA').remove().end()
                            .find('a, b, i, small, span').replaceWith(function(){
                                return this.innerHTML;
                            .find('br').replaceWith(' ');



function processElement ($){
    var infoBox = $('.infobox'),
        image = infoBox.find('tr:contains("Appearance") + tr img:first'),
        description = $('#toc').prevAll('p').cleanup(),
        headers = infoBox.find('tr:contains("properties")'),
        output = {
            Appearance: image.attr('src'),
            Description: $('.infobox + p').cleanup().html()

        var that = this,
            title = this.textContent.trim(),
            rowspan = 0,
            rowspanHeading = '';

        output[title] = {};

            var t = $(this).cleanup(),
                headingEle = t.children('th'),
                data = t.children('td').html().trim();

            if(headingEle.length) {
                var heading = headingEle.html().trim();

            // Skip to next heading if current property is ignored
            if(~Settings.ignoredProperties.indexOf(heading)) {
                return true;

            if (rowspan) {
                output[title][rowspanHeading][data.split(':')[0].trim()] = data.split(':')[1].trim();
            } else if (headingEle.attr('rowspan')){
                rowspan = headingEle.attr('rowspan') - 1;
                rowspanHeading = heading;

                output[title][heading] = {};
                output[title][heading][data.split(':')[0]] = data.split(':')[1];
            } else if (~heading.indexOf(',')){
                data = data.split(',');

                heading.split(',').forEach(function(v, i){
                    output[title][v.trim()] = data[i].trim();
            } else {
                output[title][heading] = data;


function fetchElements(elements) {
        // Element URL used here as task id (second argument)
        chain.add(createTask(value, processElement), value);

function processTable($){
    var elementArray = $(Settings.periodicSelector).find('td').map(function(){
        var t = $(this),
            atomicN = parseInt(t.text(), 10);

        if(atomicN && t.children('a').length) {
            var elementUrl = 'http://' + parseUrl(Settings.periodicUrl).host + t.children('a:first').attr('href');

            console.log(atomicN, t.children('a:first').attr('href').split('/').pop(), elementUrl);
            return elementUrl;

    fs.writeFile(Settings.pathPrefix + 'elements.json', JSON.stringify(elementArray));

// Get table - init
function getPeriodicList(){
    var elementsList = Settings.pathPrefix + 'elements.json';

        var fileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(elementsList, 'utf8'));
    } else {
        chain.add(createTask(Settings.periodicUrl, processTable));



For jQuery-like html processing with node i use now cheerio instead of jsdom. So far, i have not seen any memory leaks while scrapping and parsing over 10K pages for a couple of hours.


jsdom does have a memory leak which stems from the copy in and copy out logic behind node's vm.runInContext(). There has been effort to fix this problem using c++ and we are hoping to prove out the solution before attempting to push it into node.

A workaround for now is to spawn up a child process for each dom and close it down when you are done.


as of jsdom 0.2.3 this issue is fixed as long as you close the window (window.close()) when you are done with it.


I think I have a better work-around, reuse your instance of jsdom by setting the window.document.innerHTML property. Solved my memory leak problems!

    // jsdom has a memory leak when using multiple instance
    // cache a single instance and swap out innerHTML
    var dom = require('jsdom');
    var win;
    var useJQuery = function(html, fnCallback) {
        if (!win) {
            var defEnv = {
            dom.env(defEnv, function (err, window) {
                if (err) throw new Error('failed to init dom');
                win = window;
        else {
            win.document.innerHTML = html;
    // Use it!
    useJQuery(html, function($) { $('woohoo').val('test'); });


I know its not much of an answer but I had a similar problem. I have multiple scrapers running simultaneously and memory was getting leaked.

I have ended up using node-jquery instead of JSDOM