
How insert image in room persistence library?

2019-03-13 04:05发布


I am using room persistence library for my android application, Now I have to insert image in my db. I successfully define @Entity for the primitive data type. and also through converter class, i stored all object, date, time. Now I have to store Image. I am not able to understand how we define Column info and entity and how we insert that data as well as read data from the table.

What is the maximum size of data which inserted into the single row? What is max and min size of data in one field in Android SQLite?


It is usually not recommended to store image data into the database. But however if it is required for your project then you can do so.

Image data are usually stored into db using BLOB data type, Room also provide support for BLOB data type Documentation

You can declare your entity class as mentioned below to store Image data.

@Entity(tableName = "test")
public class Test{

@ColumnInfo(name = "_id")
private int id;

@ColumnInfo(typeAffinity = ColumnInfo.BLOB)
private byte[] image;


As Pinakin mentioned, it is not recommended to store an image into database and file path would be better but if it is required to store image I would suggest compress the image to below 2 MB (here is an example) to avoid breaking app. Room supports BLOB for image. Entity class in kotlin:


 class ImageTest {

        @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)

        var id: Int = 1

        @ColumnInfo(typeAffinity = ColumnInfo.BLOB)
        var data: ByteArray? = null


 interface ImageTestDao {

       @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
       fun upsertByReplacement(image: List<ImageTest>)

       @Query("SELECT * FROM image")
       fun getAll(): List<ImageTest>

       @Query("SELECT * FROM image WHERE id IN (:arg0)")
       fun findByIds(imageTestIds: List<Int>): List<ImageTest>

       fun delete(imageTest: ImageTest)


 import android.arch.persistence.room.Database
 import android.arch.persistence.room.RoomDatabase
 import android.arch.persistence.room.TypeConverters

   @Database(entities = arrayOf(ImageTest::class), version = 1)
   abstract class Database : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun getImageTestDao(): ImageTestDao

In DatabaseHelper something like

  class DatabaseHelper(context: Context) {

   init {
        DatabaseHelper.context = WeakReference(context)

   companion object {

   private var context: WeakReference<Context>? = null
   private const val DATABASE_NAME: String = "image_test_db"
   private var singleton: Database? = null

   private fun createDatabase(): Database {
       return Room.databaseBuilder(context?.get() ?:
               throw IllegalStateException("initialize by calling  
               constructor before calling DatabaseHelper.instance"),

   val instance: Database
       @Synchronized get() {
           if (null == singleton)
               singleton = createDatabase()

           return singleton as Database

     fun setImage(img: Bitmap){
     val dao = DatabaseHelper.instance.getImageTestDao() 
     val imageTest = ImageTest()
     imageTest.data = getBytesFromImageMethod(image)//TODO

     fun getImage():Bitmap?{
     val dao = DatabaseHelper.instance.getImageTestDao() 
     val imageByteArray = dao.getAll()
     return loadImageFromBytes(imageByteArray[0].data)
     //change accordingly 

Correct me if I am wrong. Hope this helps someone out there