In our project we often forget to update version numbers in Package.json
file. Ours is a AngularJS project. In our package JSON file we are specifying the below two version information
"version": "1.0.7",
"devVersion": "1.0.4"
Before Merging a branch to develop I want a automated script to update these above two version numbers. I am thinking Git Hooks will help me.
Where can i find the hooks, I am able to see the hooks in my local repo under .git
folder. I am confused which hook to use. Searching on Google suggests I have to create hooks on server.
Where can i find them and can i update the above both keys (version and devVersion) ?
Pls suggest the location and hook to use, this will solve a lot of problem.
You have two kinds of hooks (both present in any .git/hooks folder): server and client hooks.
They are listed in "Customizing Git - Git Hooks"
A merge is a local operation, so if you wanted to automate any process during a merge, you would need a client hook, like a post-commit
hook (meaning executed just after creating a merge commit).
If you need to update that file before a merge, you can try a pre-commit
hook, and check if a merge is in progress (if not, your pre-commit
hook would do nothing since you want to update the versions only before a merge).
You can see in this answer an example of a post-commit hook which generates a version.json
If is written in node, but you can write a hook ni any scripting language you want.
I am using husky and git-branch-is:
"scripts": {
"postmerge": "(git-branch-is master && npm version minor ||
(git-branch-is dev && npm --no-git-tag-version version patch)",
Read more about npm version
Webpack or Vue.js
If you are using webpack or Vue.js, you can display this in the UI using Auto inject version - Webpack plugin
In nuxt.config.js
var WebpackAutoInject = require('webpack-auto-inject-version');
module.exports = {
build: {
plugins: [
new WebpackAutoInject({
// options
// example:
components: {
InjectAsComment: false
Inside your template
for example in the footer:
<p> All rights reserved © 2018 [v[AIV]{version}[/AIV]]</p>