Is there a way to have compile dependencies by multiple flavors in Android Studio (build.gradle)?
I have 2 flavorGroups, and in each 2 variants. Out of the 4 possible combinations I would like to be able to depend on a lib only if I'm both in latest and in free flavor. latestCompile or freeCompile works, but latestFreeCompile doesn't. this is the relevant part of my build.gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 7
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 15
versionName "1.9." + versionCode
flavorGroups 'sdk', 'cost'
productFlavors {
latest {
flavorGroup 'sdk'
minSdkVersion 8
sdk7 {
flavorGroup 'sdk'
minSdkVersion 7
versionName android.defaultConfig.versionName + ".sdk7"
free {
flavorGroup 'cost'
pro {
flavorGroup 'cost'
dependencies {
// this works:
freeCompile files('libs/StartAppInApp-2.2.1.jar')
// and I would like something like this:
latestFreeCompile '' // minSdkVersion:8
If I would use:
latestCompile ''
then it would be included in latestPro as well (not needed)
and if I'd use:
freeCompile ''
then it would be included in sdk7Free as well (although it needs SDK 8)
I had the same problem. I resolved that with some gradle code in my build.gradle:
// global variables
ext {
buildType = ""
groupCost = ""
groupSdk = ""
def splitCamelCase(String word) {
def result = []
int nextStart = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < word.length(); i++) {
if(word.charAt(i).isUpperCase()) {
result.add(word.substring(nextStart, i));
nextStart = i;
return result;
// start parameters
println "Start parametes: tasks = " + gradle.startParameter.getTaskNames()
gradle.startParameter.getTaskNames().each { task ->
// This line is needed to skip other projects' tasks
// You can safely remove it if you have only one project
if(!task.startsWith(':<your_application_name>:')) return;
def taskParts = splitCamelCase(task.split(":").last());
def groupCostPrefix = taskParts[taskParts.size() - 3];
def groupSdkPrefix = taskParts[taskParts.size() - 2];
def buildTypePrefix = taskParts[taskParts.size() - 1];
if("Debug".startsWith(buildTypePrefix)) {
buildType = 'debug';
else if("Release".startsWith(buildTypePrefix)) {
buildType = 'release';
else {
return; // do not process tasks that are not ending with proper build type.
if("Free".startsWith(groupCostPrefix)) {
groupCost = 'free';
else if("Pro".startsWith(groupCostPrefix)) {
groupCost = 'pro';
if("Sdk7".startsWith(groupSdkPrefix)) {
groupSdk = 'froyo';
else if("Latest".startsWith(groupSdkPrefix)) {
groupSdk = 'latest';
Then all you need is to add following code inside your 'dependencies' section:
if(groupSdk == 'latest' && groupCost == 'free') {
compile ''
Same issue here, but Pawel's solution didn't work because gradle dependencies have other issues in which it starts building not only the selected flavors/build type, but all of them and it requires a more dynamic solution.
Still I found this issue tracker:
There is also a reference to fixing the rebuild-all bug I mentioned above, but I didn't try it yet.
And implemented this solution (as per issue tracker reply #60):
Map<String, Dependency> customDeps = new HashMap<String, Dependency>()
customDeps.put('flavor1GrpXflabor1GrpYDebugCompile', dependencies.project(path: ':lib', configuration: 'debug'))
customDeps.put('flavor1GrpXflavor1GrpYReleaseCompile', dependencies.project(path: ':lib', configuration: 'release'))
customDeps.put('flavor2GrpXflavor1GrpYDebugCompile', dependencies.project(path: ':other_lib', configuration: 'debug'))
customDeps.put('flavor2GrpXflavor1GrpYReleaseCompile', dependencies.project(path: ':other_lib', configuration: 'release'))
configurations.all() { config ->
Dependency d = customDeps.get(
if (d != null) {