What's a good hash function for English words?

2019-01-06 18:13发布


I have a long list of English words and I would like to hash them. What would be a good hashing function? So far my hashing function sums the ASCII values of the letters then modulo the table size. I'm looking for something efficient and simple.


To simply sum the letters is not a good strategy because a permutation gives the same result.

This one (djb2) is quite popular and works nicely with ASCII strings.

unsigned long hashstring(unsigned char *str)
    unsigned long hash = 5381;
    int c;

    while (c = *str++)
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */

    return hash;

If you need more alternatives and some perfomance measures, read here.

Added: These are general hashing functions, where the input domain is not known in advance (except perhaps some very general assumptions: eg the above works slightly better with ascii input), which is the most usual scenario. If you have a known restricted domain (set of inputs fixed) you can do better, see Fionn's answer.


Maybe something like this would help you: http://www.gnu.org/s/gperf/

It generates a optimized hashing function for the input domain.


If you don't need it be cryptographically secure, I would suggest the Murmur Hash. It's extremely fast and has high diffusion. Easy to use.



If you do need a cryptographically secure hash, then I suggest SHA1 via OpenSSL.



A bit late, but here is a hashing function with an extremely low collision rate for 64-bit version below, and ~almost~ as good for the 32-bit version:

uint64_t slash_hash(const char *s)
//uint32_t slash_hash(const char *s)
    union { uint64_t h; uint8_t u[8]; };
    int i=0; h=strlen(s);
    while (*s) { u[i%8] += *s + i + (*s >> ((h/(i+1)) % 5)); s++; i++; }
    return h; //64-bit
    //return (h+(h>>32)); //32-bit

The hash-numbers are also very evenly spread across the possible range, with no clumping that I could detect - this was checked using the random strings only.
Also tested against words extracted from local text-files combined with LibreOffice dictionary/thesaurus words (English and French - more than 97000 words and constructs) with 0 collisions in 64-bit and 1 collision in 32-bit :)

(Also compared with FNV1A_Hash_Yorikke, djb2 and MurmurHash2 on same sets: Yorikke & djb2 did not do well; slash_hash did slightly better than MurmurHash2 in all the tests)

标签: c++ c hash