I'm interested in creating a Maven archetype, and I think I have most of the basics down. However, one thing I'm stuck on is that sometimes I want to use custom logic to fill in a template. For example, if somebody generates my archetype and specifies the artifactId as hello-world, I'd like to generate a class named HelloWorld that simply prints out "Hello World!" to the console. If another person generates it with artifactId = howdy-there, the genned class would be HowdyThere and it would print out "Howdy There!".
I know that under the covers, Maven's archetype mechanism leverages the Velocity Template Engine, so I read this article on creating custom directives. This seemed to be what I was looking for, so I created a class called HyphenatedToCamelCaseDirective that extends org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Directive. In that class, my getName() implementation returns "hyphenatedCamelCase". In my archetype-metadata.xml file, I have the following...
<requiredProperty key="userdirective">
My template class looks like this...
package ${package};
public class #hyphenatedToCamelCase('$artifactId') {
// userdirective = $userdirective
public static void main(String[] args) {
After I install my archetype and then do an archetype:generate by specifying artifactId = howdy-there and groupId = f1.f2, the resulting class looks like this...
package f1.f2;
public class #hyphenatedToCamelCase('howdy-there') {
// userdirective = com.jlarge.HyphenatedToCamelCaseDirective
public static void main(String[] args) {
The result shows that even though userdirective is being set the way I expected it to, It's not evaulating the #hyphenatedToCamelCase directives like I was hoping. In the directive class, I have the render method logging a message to System.out, but that message doesn't show up in the console, so that leads me to believe that the method never got executed during archetype:generate.
Am I missing something simple here, or is this approach just not the way to go?