I would like to set the working directory to the path of current script programmatically but first I need to get the path of current script.
So I would like to be able to do:
current_path = ...retrieve the path of current script ...
Just like the RStudio menu does:
So far I tried:
initial.options <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
file.arg.name <- "--file="
script.name <- sub(file.arg.name, "", initial.options[grep(file.arg.name, initial.options)])
script.basename <- dirname(script.name)
script.name returns NULL
source("script.R", chdir = TRUE)
Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) : cannot open the
connection In addition: Warning message: In file(filename, "r",
encoding = encoding) : cannot open file '/script.R': No such file or
Returns: Error in dirname(parent.frame(2)$ofile) : a character vector argument expected
...because parent.frame is null
frame_files <- lapply(sys.frames(), function(x) x$ofile)
frame_files <- Filter(Negate(is.null), frame_files)
PATH <- dirname(frame_files[[length(frame_files)]])
Returns: Null because frame_files is a list of 0
thisFile <- function() {
cmdArgs <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
needle <- "--file="
match <- grep(needle, cmdArgs)
if (length(match) > 0) {
# Rscript
return(normalizePath(sub(needle, "", cmdArgs[match])))
} else {
# 'source'd via R console
Returns: Error in path.expand(path) : invalid 'path' argument
Also I saw all answers from here, here, here and here.
No joy.
Working with RStudio 1.1.383
EDIT: It would be great if there was no need for an external library to achieve this.
In RStudio, you can get the path to the file currently shown in the source pane using
If you only want the directory, use
If you want the name of the file that's been run by source(filename)
, that's a little harder. You need to look for the variable srcfile
somewhere back in the stack. How far back depends on how you write things, but it's around 4 steps back: for example,
fi <- tempfile()
writeLines("f()", fi)
f <- function() print(sys.frame(-4)$srcfile)
should print the same thing on the last two lines.
Update August 2018
TLDR: The here package helps you build a path from the project's root folder no matter where in the folder hiearchy the R scripts or Rmd documents are stored.
The here package remains available on CRAN. The development version has been moved to github.com/r-lib/here. The points mentioned in the sites quoted below remain valid.
Previous answer
Read the Ode to the here package:
Do you:
Have setwd() in your scripts? PLEASE STOP DOING THAT.
This makes your script very fragile, hard-wired to exactly one time and place. As soon as you rename or move directories, it breaks. Or maybe you get a new computer? Or maybe someone else needs to run your code?
Classic problem presentation: Awkwardness around building paths and/or setting working directory in projects with subdirectories. Especially if you use R Markdown and knitr, which trips up alot of people with its default behavior of “working directory = directory where this file lives”. [...]
Install the here package:
Documentation of the here()
Starting with the current working directory during package load time,
here will walk the directory hierarchy upwards until it finds
a directory that satisfies at least one of the following conditions:
- contains a file matching [.]Rproj$ with contents matching ^Version: in
the first line
- [... other options ...]
- contains a directory .git
Once established, the root directory doesn't change during the active
R session. here() then appends the arguments to the root directory.
The development version of the here package is available on github.
If you're running an Rscript through the command-line etc
Rscript /path/to/script.R
The function below will assign this_file
to /path/to/script
get_this_file <- function(){
commandArgs() %>%
tibble::as.tibble() %>%
tidyr::separate(col=value, into=c("key", "value"), sep="=", fill='right') %>%
dplyr::filter(key == "--file") %>%
this_file <- get_this_file()