
Set superscript and subscript in formatted text in

2019-01-06 18:25发布


How can i set some text as subscript/superscript in FormattedText in wpf


You use Typography.Variants:

    <Run>Normal Text</Run>
    <Run Typography.Variants="Superscript">Superscript Text</Run>
    <Run Typography.Variants="Subscript">Subscript Text</Run>


You can use something like <TextBlock>5x<Run BaselineAlignment="Superscript">4</Run> + 4</TextBlock>.

However, as far as I know, you will have to reduce the font-size yourself.


I used a layout transform, because Typography.Variants often doesn't work:

<TextBlock Text="MyAmazingProduct"/>
 <TextBlock Text="TM">
   <!-- Typography.Variants="Superscript" didn't work -->
    <ScaleTransform ScaleX=".75" ScaleY=".75"/>
    <TranslateTransform Y="-5"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Version, StringFormat={} v{0}}"/>

The advantage of using a LayoutTransform is that it is insensitive to the fontsize. If the fontsize is changed afterwards, this superscript works where explicit FontSize setting breaks.


It's interesting to note that for some characters (m2, m3, etc) a superscript is not needed, but the unicode character can be used. For example:

<Run Text=" m&#x00B3;" />

This would show m3.


I don't know if you need this to work with FormattedText specifically, or you mean derivations of Inline, but the following will work on Inlines, even if Typography.Variants="Superscript" fails to work.

TextRange selection = new TextRange(document.ContentStart, document.ContentEnd);
selection.ApplyPropertyValue(Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty, BaselineAlignment.Superscript);

Hope it helps!


Typography.Variants works only for open type fonts. If you dont like your superscripts/subscripts going outside the height of actual text then you can use something like the following:

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <TextBlock FontSize="10" Margin="0,5,0,0">1</TextBlock>
    <TextBlock FontSize="30">H</TextBlock>
    <TextBlock FontSize="10" Margin="0,20,0,0">2</TextBlock>


Setting for superscript works fine with the following code:

<TextBlock Text="(cm"  />
<TextBlock ><Span BaselineAlignment="Top" FontSize="8">2</Span></TextBlock>
<TextBlock Text=")" />

Setting the Baseallignment for subscript in the Span tag did not work for me. I tried the following code and it worked fine.

  <TextBlock Text="H"  />
  <TextBlock Text="2" Margin="-2,0,-2,0" TextBlock.LineHeight="3" >   
  <TextBlock Text="O" />


This is the only thing that worked for me. It also gives you more control over the alignment and font size.

<TextBlock Grid.Row="17">
    3 x 3<Run FontSize="6pt" BaselineAlignment="TextTop">2</Run>)