trigger an event when contenteditable is changed

2019-01-06 17:36发布


When a divs value is changed, how Can I trigger an event?

<div class="changeable" contenteditable="true"> Click this div to edit it <div>

So when its content changes I want to create an alert and/or do other things:

$('.changeable').text().change(function() {
  alert('Handler for .change() called.');


Just store the contents to a variable and check if it is different after blur() event. If it is different, store the new contents.

var contents = $('.changeable').html();
$('.changeable').blur(function() {
    if (contents!=$(this).html()){
        alert('Handler for .change() called.');
        contents = $(this).html();



You can simply use focus/blur event with data() function of jQuery :

// Find all editable content.
    // When you click on item, record into data("initialText") content of this item.
    .focus(function() {
        $(this).data("initialText", $(this).html());
    // When you leave an item...
    .blur(function() {
        // ...if content is different...
        if ($(this).data("initialText") !== $(this).html()) {
            // ... do something.
            console.log('New data when content change.');

UPDATE: With Vanilla JS

// Find all editable content.
var contents = document.querySelectorAll("[contenteditable=true]");
[], function (content) {
    // When you click on item, record into `data-initial-text` content of this item.
    content.addEventListener("focus", function () {
        content.setAttribute("data-initial-text", content.innerHTML);
    // When you leave an item...
    content.addEventListener("blur", function () {
        // ...if content is different...
        if (content.getAttribute("data-initial-text") !== content.innerHTML) {
            // ... do something.
            console.log("New data when content change.");


I built a jQuery plugin to do this.

(function ($) {
    $.fn.wysiwygEvt = function () {
        return this.each(function () {
            var $this = $(this);
            var htmlold = $this.html();
            $this.bind('blur keyup paste copy cut mouseup', function () {
                var htmlnew = $this.html();
                if (htmlold !== htmlnew) {

You can simply call $('.wysiwyg').wysiwygEvt();

You can also remove / add events if you wish


It's more simple to do it using EventListener (not a jQuery method):

document.getElementById("editor").addEventListener("input", function() {
   alert("input event fired");
}, false);


This is my approach...

$('.changeable').focusout(function() {
  alert('Handler for .change() called.');


the best solution to this currently is the HTML5 input event

<div contenteditable="true" id="content"></div>

in your jquery.

$('#content').on('input', (e) => {
    // your code here


Here is a jquery-version:

function fix_contenteditableOnchange(obj)
     var contents = div.html();
     var onchange = div.attr('onchange');
     div.blur(function() {
      if (contents!=$(this).html()){

Try this out.


In chrome and maybe in other browsers there is bug, when user presses tab it will create space and append apple-be span or some thing like that.. to remove that user

var contents = $('.changeable').html();
$('.changeable').blur(function() {
   if (contents!=$(this).html()){
 alert('Handler for .change() called.');
       contents = $(this).html();
       contentsTx = $(this).text();


This will remove the span.. it same as above code just modified it little, or u can add


and this will also solve problem ..

Just modified @Nikals answer ...


Yet another version in jquery. View in jsFiddle here.

var $editableContent = $("#mycontent");

//  Implement on text change
$editableContent.on("focus", function(event) {$(this).data("currentText", $(this).text());});

$editableContent.on("blur", function (event) {
        if ($(this).text() != $(this).data("currentText")) {

//  Wire onchange event
$editableContent.on("change", function(){alert("Text changed to: " + $(this).text())});


Another solution which is slightly modified version of previous ones but it may be more comfortable to use for some of you.

Idea is to save origin value and compare it with current value in 'blur' event. I save origin value as attribute of editable div tag (instead of creating variable for origin value). Using attribute as container for origin value is more comfortable when one has a huge number of editable divs in table (as cells). So it is easy to get origin value since you don't need to create many variables.

See my complete example code:

editable div

<td><div contenteditable="true" class="cell" origin="originValue">originValue</div></td>

detecting changes in blur

var cells = $("#table").find('td>div[contenteditable=true]');

cells.each(function () {    

        $(this).blur(function() {

                    if ($(this).text() != $(this).attr("origin")) {


What you have to do is make a conjunction of blur and DOMSubtreeModified events on your contenteditable elements.

var contentEdited = false;

function fn($el) {
  if (contentEdited) {
    var text = $el[0].innerText.trim();
    contentEdited = false;
$("div.editable").on("blur", function() {
}).on("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {
  contentEdited = true;
<script src=""></script>

<div class="editable" contenteditable="true">Click this div to edit it<div>


function myFunction(){
  alert('Handler for .change() called.');
<div class="changeable" contenteditable="true" onfocusout="myFunction()" > Click this div to edit it <div>