I've noticed that at several places in our code base we use dynamically expanding arrays, i.e. a base array coupled with an element counter and a "max elements" value.
What I want to do is replace these with a common data structure and utility functions, for the usual object-oriented reasons.
The array elements can be either basic data types or structs, I need fast random access to the elements, and preferably a type-safe implementation.
So, basically, what I would like to use is an STL vector, but the code base is restricted to C89 so I have to come up with something else :-)
I gave it some thought and whipped up this initial draft, just to show what I'm aiming at:
/* Type-safe dynamic list in C89 */
#define list_declare(type) typedef struct _##type##_list_t { type * base_array; size_t elements; size_t max_size; } type##_list_t
#define list(type) type##_list_t
#define list_new(type, initial_size) { calloc(initial_size, sizeof(type)), 0, initial_size }
#define list_free(list) free(list.base_array)
#define list_set(list, place, element) if ( list.elements < list.max_size ) { list.base_array[place] = element; } else { /* Array index out of bounds */ }
#define list_add(list, element) if ( list.elements < list.max_size ) { list.base_array[list.elements++] = element; } else { /* Expand array then add */ }
#define list_get(list, n) list.base_array[n]
/* Sample usage: */
int main(void)
list(int) integers = list_new(int, 10);
printf("list[0] = %d\n", list_get(integers, 0));
list_add(integers, 4);
printf("list[0] = %d\n", list_get(integers, 0));
list_set(integers, 0, 3);
printf("list[0] = %d\n", list_get(integers, 0));
...however, there must be someone else who has done this before. I'm aware of the FreeBSD sys/queue.h implementation of a similar concept for some different queues, but I can't find anything like that for arrays.
Is anyone here any wiser?
glib provides an GArray type, which implements a dynamically growing array. If you can use external 3rd party libraries, glib is almost always a good choice as "standard" library for C. It provides types for all basic data structures, for unicode strings, for date and time values, and so on.
qLibc implements a vector in pure C. The data structure allows it to store any type of object like (void *object) and it provides convenient wrappers for string, formatted string and integer types.
Here's a sample code for your idea.
qvector_t *vector = qvector(QVECTOR_OPT_THREADSAFE);
vector->addstr(vector, "Hello");
vector->addstrf(vector, "World %d", 123);
char *finalstring = vector->tostring(vector);
printf("%s", finalstring);
for object type:
int a = 1, b = 2;
qvector_t *vector = qvector(QVECTOR_OPT_THREADSAFE);
vector->add(vector, (void *)&a, sizeof(int));
vector->add(vector, (void *)&b, sizeof(int));
int *finalarray = vector->toarray(vector);
printf("a = %d, b = %d", finalarray[0], finalarray[1]);
Note) I made this sample code just for your reference, copying from its example code.
it might have typo errors.
You can check out the Full API reference at http://wolkykim.github.io/qlibc/
here a simple vector-replacement, its ONE function for all, its strictly C89 and threadsafe;
libs are too difficult for me, i use my own;
no performance, but easy to use
/* owner-structs too */
typedef struct {
char name[20],city[20];
int salary;
} My,*Myp;
typedef char Str80[80];
/* add here your type with its size */
typedef enum {SPTR,INT=sizeof(int),DOUBLE=sizeof(double),S80=sizeof(Str80),MY=sizeof(My)} TSizes;
void *dynarray(char ***root,TSizes ts,Ops op,void *in,void *out)
size_t d=0,s=in?ts?ts:strlen((char*)in)+1:0;
char **r=*root;
while( r && *r++ ) ++d;
switch(op) {
case ADD: if( !*root ) *root=calloc(1,sizeof r);
*root=realloc(*root,(d+2)*sizeof r);
memmove((*root)+1,*root,(d+1)*sizeof r);
case LOOP: while( d-- ) ((void (*)(char*))in)((*root)[d]); break;
case COUNT: return *(int*)out=d,out;
case FREE: if(r) {
++d; while( d-- ) realloc((*root)[d],0);
} break;
case GETAT: { size_t i=*(size_t*)in;
if(r && i<=--d)
return (*root)[d-i];
} break;
case GET: { int i=-1;
while( ++i,d-- )
if( !(ts?memcmp:strncmp)(in,(*root)[d],s) )
return *(int*)out=i,out;
return *(int*)out=-1,out;
case REMOVEAT: { size_t i=*(size_t*)in;
if(r && i<=--d) {
memmove(&(*root)[d-i],&(*root)[d-i+1],(d-i+1)*sizeof r);
return in;
} break;
case REMOVE: while( *(int*)dynarray(root,ts,GET,in,&d)>=0 )
return 0;
void outmy(Myp s)
My z[]={{"Buffet","Omaha",INT_MAX},{"Jobs","Palo Alto",1},{"Madoff","NYC",INT_MIN}};
Str80 y[]={ "123","456","7890" };
char **ptr=0;
int x=1;
/* precondition for first use: ptr==NULL */
dynarray(&ptr,SPTR,REMOVEAT,&x,0); /* remove at index/key ==1 */
/* another option for enumerating */
while( x-- )
dynarray(&ptr,SPTR,FREE,0,0); /* frees all mallocs and set ptr to NULL */
/* start for another (user)type */
dynarray(&ptr,S80,FREE,0,0); /* frees all mallocs and set ptr to NULL */
/* start for another (user)struct-type */
return 0;
I usually roll my own code for purposes such as this, like you did. It's not particularly difficult, but having type safety etc. is not easily achievable without a whole OO framework.
As mentioned before, glib offers what you need - if glib2 is too big for you, you could still go with glib1.2. It's quite old, but doesn't have external dependencies (except for pthread if you need thread support). The code can also be integrated into larger projects, if necessary. It's LGPL licensed.
I'm using the following macro implementation without problems so far. It isn't a complete implementation but grows the array automatically :
typedef struct \
{ \
T *buf; \
size_t n; \
size_t reserved; \
} T ## Array;
#define DYN_ARRAY(T) T ## Array
#define DYN_ADD(array, value, errorLabel) DYN_ADD_REALLOC(array, value, errorLabel, realloc)
#define DYN_ADD_REALLOC(array, value, errorLabel, realloc) \
{ \
if ((array).n >= (array).reserved) \
{ \
if (!(array).reserved) (array).reserved = 10; \
(array).reserved *= 2; \
void *ptr = realloc((array).buf, sizeof(*(array).buf)*(array).reserved); \
if (!ptr) goto errorLabel; \
(array).buf = ptr; \
} \
(array).buf[(array).n++] = value; \
To use you first write: DECLARE_DYN_ARRAY(YourType)
To declare variables you write DYN_ARRAY(YourType) array = {0}
You add elements with DYN_ADD(array, element, errorLabel)
You access elements with array.buf[i]
You get the number of elements with array.n
When done you free it with free(array.buf)
(or whatever function you used to allocate it.)