Spark Datasets move away from Row's to Encoder
's for Pojo's/primitives. The Catalyst
engine uses an ExpressionEncoder
to convert columns in a SQL expression. However there do not appear to be other subclasses of Encoder
available to use as a template for our own implementations.
Here is an example of code that is happy in Spark 1.X / DataFrames that does not compile in the new regime:
//mapping each row to RDD tuple => {
var id: String = if (!has_id) "" else row.getAs[String]("id")
var label: String = row.getAs[String]("label")
val channels : Int = if (!has_channels) 0 else row.getAs[Int]("channels")
val height : Int = if (!has_height) 0 else row.getAs[Int]("height")
val width : Int = if (!has_width) 0 else row.getAs[Int]("width")
val data : Array[Byte] = row.getAs[Any]("data") match {
case str: String => str.getBytes
case arr: Array[Byte@unchecked] => arr
case _ => {
log.error("Unsupport value type")
(id, label, channels, height, width, data)
We get a compiler error of
Error:(56, 11) Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset.
Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported
by importing spark.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases. => {
So then somehow/somewhere there should be a means to
- Define/implement our custom Encoder
- Apply it when performing a mapping on the
(which is now a Dataset of typeRow
) - Register the Encoder for use by other custom code
I am looking for code that successfully performs these steps.