My app gathers a bunch of phone numbers on a page. Once the user hits the submit button I create a celery task to call each number and give a reminder message then redirect them to a page where they can see the live updates about the call. I am using web sockets to live update the status of each call and need the tasks to execute synchronously as I only have access to dial out from one number.
So once the first call/task is completed, I want the next one to fire off.
I took a look at CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER settings but it just went through the first iteration and stopped.
def reminder(number):
def make_calls(request):
for number in phone_numbers:
return redirect('live_call_updates')
if you want to fire each call one after another, why dont you wrap all the calls in one task
def make_a_lot_of_calls(numbers):
for num in numbers:
# Assuming that reminder blocks till the call finishes
def make_calls(request):
return redirect('live_call_updates')
If you look at the celery DOCS on tasks you see that to call a task synchronosuly, you use the apply() method as opposed to the apply_async() method.
So in your case you could use:
The DOCS also note that:
If the CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER setting is set, it will be replaced by a local apply() call instead.
Thanks to @JivanAmara who in the comments reiterated that when using apply(), the task will run locally(in the server/computer in which its called). And this can have ramifications, if you intended to run your tasks across multiple servers/machines.