I need to update an observable array element value. The observable array is a collection of class objects. First I need to find out matching object by id and update some other property values of the object.
var Seat = function(no, booked) {
var self = this;
self.No = ko.observable(no);
self.Booked = ko.observable(!!booked);
// Subscribe to the "Booked" property
self.Booked.subscribe(function() {
alert( self.No() );
var viewModel = {
seats: ko.observableArray( [
new Seat(1, false), new Seat(2, true), new Seat(3, true),
new Seat(4, false), new Seat(5, true), new Seat(6, true),
new Seat(7, false), new Seat(8, true), new Seat(9, true)
] )
Can anyone suggest the approach of updating the view model? Let's say I want to update booked value to "false" for the seat no 2.