Vim Auto Indent with newline

2019-03-11 15:15发布


How do I get vim to place the cursor within the braces starting on a new line, ie with | denoting the cursor position :

class {

right now with my settings it only does this

class {

I got this in my .vimrc file set autoindent shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 noexpandtab

Basically I just want how a normal IDE would indent it.


I found how to do this with inoremap { {<CR>}<Esc>O


Put this in your .vimrc :

imap <C-Return> <CR><CR><C-o>k<Tab>

Assuming autoindent and smartindent are set correctly, typing Ctrl + Return between braces will put your cursor where you want it to be.


I found that delimitMate does exactly what you describe and more (that is, automatically inserting the ending }). Note you have to tell delimitMate to expand carriage returns by adding let delimitMate_expand_cr=1 to your config.

From my observation, this is exactly the behaviour found in TextMate and SublimeText.


I have Ubuntu 12.04 and I found no vimrc file in home directory. Global vimrc file was in /etc/vim/vimrc.
There was almost nothing in this file. So for me it worked to add this 3 lines to the end of /etc/vim/vimrc

set autoindent
set cindent
inoremap { {<CR>}<up><end><CR>

When you will type { next time it will be changed by combination {, Enter, }, up, end, Enter. cindent and autoindent will add required amount of Tab's.
P.S. I'm not good in tuning up vim so some explanations may be not so accurate. It's how I think it works.


autoindent refers to it carrying over the current indentation level onto subsequent lines. To get it to indent according to syntax, you need to specify a flag like smartindent or cindent as well.


At bottom of the file, I'm using:

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 sr noet st ai si

For example Dockerfile:

FROM centos-7
RUN ...
CMD ...

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 sr noet st ai si

If you want keep the indentation only, use # vim: st ai si


I wrote this in my .vimrc

inoremap <expr> <CR> InsertMapForEnter()
function! InsertMapForEnter()
    if pumvisible()
        return "\<C-y>"
    elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,1) == '}'
        return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
    elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,2) == '</'
        return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
        return "\<CR>"

The code above first check if you are using Enter to do confirm a code completion, if not it will indent the {|} when you type Enter. Also, it provides html tags auto indent.

For your problem:

class {|}

press Enter and you will get

class {

press Enter and you will get
