The following codes are from and codes are working well.
This is an example of using snoopy in codeigniter.
Q1. Am I correct to say that I can't use,
$this -> load -> library('snoopy')
since Snoopy.php does not create an object. And the example below is the way to do it? If so, can you explain/direct me an tutorial or explanation of how to do it in details?
if ( ! class_exists('Snoopy'))
Q2. Why do the author use
Is it needed for this?
Q3. Could you explain APPPATH and EXT.
I checked it in but I could not find it. EXT must be extension, but can I use anywhere?
Thanks in advance.
I have a snoopy in application/library/Snoopy.php
I have application/library/Snoopy.php
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Scraping{
var $c;
function Scraping(){
if ( ! class_exists('Snoopy'))
$this -> c = new Snoopy();
function getWebHtml($url="",$to_specialchars=true){
$this ->c -> fetch( $url );
$str = mb_convert_encoding( (string) $this -> c -> results,"UTF-8","auto");
return ($to_specialchars) ? htmlspecialchars($str , ENT_QUOTES , "UTF-8" ) : $str ;
function getWebText($url="",$to_specialchars=true){
$this -> c -> fetchtext( $url );
$str = mb_convert_encoding( (string) $this -> c -> results,"UTF-8","auto");
return ($to_specialchars) ? htmlspecialchars($str , ENT_QUOTES , "UTF-8" ) : $str ;
function getWebLinks($url=""){
$this -> c -> fetchlinks( $url );
return (array) $this-> c -> results ;
function getWebLinksText($url="",$delimiter="<br>"){
$arr = $this-> getWebLinks($url) ;
$ret ="";
foreach($arr as $k => $v){
$ret .= $v . $delimiter ;
return $ret;
} //endofclass
/* End of file Scraping.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/Scraping.php */
I have a controller application/controller/mytasklist.php
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Mytasklist extends Controller {
function Mytasklist()
parent :: Controller();
$this -> load -> helper( 'url' );
function index()
$data = "";
$this -> _SetTpl( $data );
function _SetTpl( $data )
$this -> load -> library("scraping");
$data["scraping"]["text"] = $this-> scraping -> getWebText("");
$data["scraping"]["html"] = $this-> scraping -> getWebHtml("");
$data["scraping"]["link"] = $this-> scraping -> getWebLinksText("","\n");
$tpl["page_title"] = "Welcome";
$tpl["main_content"] = $this -> load -> view( 'tasklist_view', $data , true );
$this -> load -> view( 'base_view', $tpl );
And I have a view, application/view/base_view.php
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="ja">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="keyword here" />
<meta name="description" content="description here" />
<title><?php if(isset($page_title)){echo $page_title ;}?></title>
<?php if(isset($xajax_js)){echo $xajax_js ;}?>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<div id="container">
<div id="rightblock">
<div id="content">