It seems that when I use a numeric type as a key name in an object, it always gets converted to a string. Is there anyway to actually get it to store as a numeric? The normal typecasting does not seem to work.
var userId = 1;
console.log( typeof userId ); // number
myObject[userId] = 'a value';
Dir Output:
'1': 'a value'
What I want is this:
1: 'a value'
No, this is not possible. The key will always be converted to a string. See Property Accessor docs
Property names must be strings. This means that non-string objects cannot be used as keys in the object. Any non-string object, including a number, is typecasted into a string via the toString method.
> var foo = {}
> foo[23213] = 'swag'
> foo
{ '23213': 'swag' }
> typeof(Object.keys(foo)[0])
In an object, no, but I have found Map extremely useful for this application. Here is where I have used it for numeric keys, a key-based event.
onKeydown(e) {
const { toggleSidebar, next, previous } = this.props;
const keyMapping = new Map([
[ 83, toggleSidebar ], // user presses the s button
[ 37, next ], // user presses the right arrow
[ 39, previous ] // user presses the left arrow
if (keyMapping.has(e.which)) {
Appears to be by design in ECMA-262-5:
The Property Identifier type is used to associate a property name with a Property Descriptor. Values of the Property Identifier type are pairs of the form (name, descriptor), where name is a String and descriptor is a Property Descriptor value.
However, I don't see a definite specification for it in ECMA-262-3.
Regardless, I wouldn't attempt to use non-strings as property names.
Do we need something like this?
var userId = 1;var myObject ={};
console.log( typeof userId ); // number
myObject[userId] = 'a value';
"a value"
I think you can do the following if you want to use the above thing for accessing it like as a number, I did the same and worked.
var myObj = {"0":"a","1":"b","CNT":2};
return true; //continue;
//Code to perform operation
This works only when the key doesn't start with and numeric character otherwise it'll be converted to a number. See the following example:
parseInt("45kjghk") === 45
I used jQuery here
var myObj = {"0":"a","1":"b","CNT":2};
if(isNaN(parseInt(key)) || (key.length !== parseInt(key).toString().length) ){
return true; //continue;
//Code to perform operation
It may overcome the above problem. Please suggest better if available and problem with this answer if there are.
In JavaScript, numerical strings and numbers are interchangeable, so
myObject[1] == myObject['1']
If you really want number to be the key for an object, you might want an array (i.e. created with new Array()
or []