How to create different layout for Galaxy S3 and N

2019-03-11 11:33发布


I have created an android application which works properly for nexus 7. Inside resources folder, I have created two folders, layout, layout-land for Nexus 7" tab. Everything was working fine till date. Now I want to create a different layout for Samsung Galaxy S3. For that, I have created a folders inside resources with layout-large & layout-large-land. But, here is the problem. Now, for Nexus 7 also, the layout defined in layout-large folder is getting loaded. How to stop that? How can I create different layout for Nexus 7" tab & Galaxy S3 mobile? I have read Supporting Multiple Screens documentation. But I couldn't understand as the screen size for Nexus 7 is 1204 X 800 & screen size for samsung galaxy S3 is 720 X 1280.

How to create different layouts for different devices with different screen resolutions & display sizes? Also, based on device size, I want to change few values in my application. How to do that one?


According to the Supporting Multiple Screens

Qualifiers like small, normal, large and xlarge is for Screen Sizes, which means Nexus 7 will use the resources with large qualifier, if you provide. Therefore before you create the folder with large qualifier, Nexus 7 will load the resources from default layout folder. As for ldpi, mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi is for the screen density.

To solve your problem, you need:

  1. put the layout definitions for Galaxy S3 into layout, and layout-sw600dp for Nexus 7. Please refer to Android Developers Blog: Getting Your App Ready for Jelly Bean and Nexus 7

  2. put the resources (images or drawable stuff) for Galaxy S3 into drawable-xhdpi, and drawable-tvdpi or drawable-hdpi for Nexus 7.

Hope it could help you, and please let me know if you have any other problems :)

Here are some useful references:

What layout is suitable for 720x1280 Android devices?

Screen Width Qualifier


You need one for xlarge and xlarge-land aswell

Or you can do it programmatically by calling:

Display displayparm= activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width= displayparm.getWidth();
int Height= displayparm.getHeight();

and choosing layout from this info


you could create the layout by adding new folder under the res folder as layout-xlarge and layout-xlarge-large and u have to update the android manifest file as well to support the for higher resolution


I have developed an application where i support multiple devices with different resolution and densities. with nexus 7 and galaxy s3 also one among them. galaxy s3 and nexus7 will obviously take from the large screen folder if u have layout-large folder in your project. But galaxy s3 falls under large hdpi category and nexus7 falls under large-tvdpi category. so it will be of great use if you have layout-large-hdpi and layout-large-tvdpi for s3 and nexus7 respectively.