Android 4.0.4 BLE API, BroadCom - Motorola

2019-03-11 11:55发布


Iam working on a HealthCare project atm. we are making a test setup where we use a Motorola Razr Max with android 4.0.4 as Gateway. The phone's BLE will communicate with a BLE Chip from IT. The reason for picking a Motorola Razr maxx was because IT had it listed on a link! under which phones supported BLE.

But but Motorola's BLE API from android 4.0 upgrade dosnt work.

I have also tried BroadComs BLE API on the phone - but it isnt supported by the phones BLE chip - so I didnt get fare here.

So my Question here. what will you suggest I do from here ?

Do u know any android phones where Broadcoms API i working in android 4.0.4 - IT says the HTC 1 X - have a working BLE API - Have any1 tried it ?

Do anyone if motorola is coming with the bug fixes? (The Motorola Developmer support team in Denmark - dont know shit about there own software/hardware.)

------ UPDATE --------

Iam trying to get the Motorola to work - and now it dont fail the BLE support = Great :)

Iam using the Motorola_ICS_R2 API. But when I run the profile sample - it will not compile - because of _ BluetoothDevice.ACTION_GATT and BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_GATT what is it Iam missing before I can run the Profile Sample?


Here you'll find the libraries and examples you need to work with a Motorola Razr on ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich). Look for " Motorola Handset SDK Addons " and " Motorola ICS R2 ".

The Addon comes with two examples, you have to study them yourself, there is no actual API-documentation out there, but a proper explanation how the API works you'll find here.

I can assure you the API-examples work relatively fine with TI's CC2540DVK Keyfob and a Motorola Razr (XT910). All you have to do is to take care about to use valid UUID's!


Fresh start in Eclipse (Indigo) with Android SDK (v20) and Motorola ICS R2 sample:

  1. In Package Explorer (right click) ==> Import ==> Existing Android Code Into Workspace
  2. Root Directory: ...\Motorola_ICS_R2\samples\Motorola_BLE_profile_sample (copy into workspace)
  3. On Project (right click) ==> Properties ==> Java Build Path/Libraries ==> remove ALL jar's even the Android Libs
  4. In Java Build Path/Libraries ==> Add External Jars: ...\Motorola_ICS_R2\libs\BluetoothGatt.jar & BluetoothGattService.jar
  5. On Project (right click) ==> Android Tools ==> Fix project properties
  6. Now choose an existing primary service of your sensor device, i.e. 0x180A (Device Information):

    public static final ParcelUuid HRM = ParcelUuid .fromString("0000180A-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");

  7. Build and run

It depends on your sensor device how far you get with the sample, but you should at least get a connection and get some characteristics. See the LogCat output.



I have very similar problem to this one.

I run with Android Motorola XT910 Android 4.0.4.

Configuration (on my standard eclipse and on a clear system - both same)

1) Eclipse + Android SDK + ADT
2) Package from motorola ICS_2 inside add-ons
3) import project from samples Motorola_BLE_API_sample
4) Setup motorola android in project properties
5) Remove android jar's
6) add BluetoothGatt, BluetoothGattService jars
and then run project (test with BLE112 dev board, UUID set to :

<service uuid="180d">
   <include id="manufacturer" />
   <description>Health Thermometer Service</description>
   <!-- temp: 2a1c  HRM:2a37 -->
   <characteristic uuid="2a37" id="xgatt_temperature_celsius">

simply sample to see anything )

I received this problems

1) device.getName() return null, I must comment it (rest eg bound is OK)
2) device could connect only with HRM UUID (i change in 2 places in sample code)
3) always return (in BluetoothGatt.CONNECT_COMPLETE) FAILURE

when I try Motorola_BLE_profile_sample I received similar errors to MIR, BluetoothDevice.ACTION_GATT, BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_GATT and getGattServices are not visible (and in ICS_R2 [Android 4.0.3]->android.jar->android.bluetooth->BluetoothDevice tree to) ?

What I'm doing wrong ?

---------- UPDATE

Really annoying ! Do not read motorola FAQ As mentioned ! remove all jar (including this from ICS2) and fix project THANX !