I want to use libpcap to capture IP packet, and the I want to parse the IP header and tcp header.
there are IP header and TCP header structures in <netinet/ip.h>
and <netinet/tcp.h>
IP header is relatively easier to parse, but for TCP header,since there are tcp options,
the common options are MSS, SACK(selective acknowledgement), timestamp, window scaling and NOP.
I want to have a function parse_pkt():
struct tcphdr tcp_hdr;
struct ip ip_hdr;
parse_pkt(u_char *pcap_packet, struct ip* p_ip, struct tcp* p_tcp);
so after calling the function, if I want to know the source ip address, sequence number, and MSS,
scr_ip = ip_hdr.src_ip
seq = tcp_hdr.seq
mss = tcp_hdr.mss
are there any similar source codes/snippets which can satisfy my requirements?
(First example below) Here's something that I have in the works (in C++11). This is for UDP packets, but you could adapt it for TCP packets by adding the related struct and Net::load()
template like the one below.
(Second example below) You didn't specify a target language in the question, but if you're looking for C, then you might use #pragma pack
on the structures and then cast the pointer+offset as a pointer to the struct and then call ntohs/ntohl on the appropriate fields. Doing that is probably the fastest solution, but it relies on #pragma pack
, which is not standard.
C++11 style
namespace Net {
using addr_t = uint32_t;
using port_t = uint16_t;
struct ether_header_t {
uint8_t dst_addr[6];
uint8_t src_addr[6];
uint16_t llc_len;
struct ip_header_t {
uint8_t ver_ihl; // 4 bits version and 4 bits internet header length
uint8_t tos;
uint16_t total_length;
uint16_t id;
uint16_t flags_fo; // 3 bits flags and 13 bits fragment-offset
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t protocol;
uint16_t checksum;
addr_t src_addr;
addr_t dst_addr;
uint8_t ihl() const;
size_t size() const;
class udp_header_t {
port_t src_port;
port_t dst_port;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t checksum;
template< typename T >
T load( std::istream& stream, bool ntoh = true );
ip_header_t load( std::istream& stream, bool ntoh );
udp_header_t load( std::istream& stream, bool ntoh );
std::string to_string( const addr_t& addr );
namespace Net {
uint8_t ip_header_t::ihl() const {
return (ver_ihl & 0x0F);
size_t ip_header_t::size() const {
return ihl() * sizeof(uint32_t);
ip_header_t load( std::istream& stream, bool ntoh ) {
ip_header_t header;
stream.read((char*)&header.ver_ihl, sizeof(header.ver_ihl));
stream.read((char*)&header.tos, sizeof(header.tos));
stream.read((char*)&header.total_length, sizeof(header.total_length));
stream.read((char*)&header.id, sizeof(header.id));
stream.read((char*)&header.flags_fo, sizeof(header.flags_fo));
stream.read((char*)&header.ttl, sizeof(header.ttl));
stream.read((char*)&header.protocol, sizeof(header.protocol));
stream.read((char*)&header.checksum, sizeof(header.checksum));
stream.read((char*)&header.src_addr, sizeof(header.src_addr));
stream.read((char*)&header.dst_addr, sizeof(header.dst_addr));
if( ntoh ) {
header.total_length = ntohs(header.total_length);
header.id = ntohs(header.id);
header.flags_fo = ntohs(header.flags_fo);
header.checksum = ntohs(header.checksum);
header.src_addr = ntohl(header.src_addr);
header.dst_addr = ntohl(header.dst_addr);
return header;
udp_header_t load( std::istream& stream, bool ntoh ) {
udp_header_t header;
stream.read((char*)&header.src_port, sizeof(header.src_port));
stream.read((char*)&header.dst_port, sizeof(header.dst_port));
stream.read((char*)&header.length, sizeof(header.length));
stream.read((char*)&header.checksum, sizeof(header.checksum));
if( ntoh ) {
header.src_port = ntohs(header.src_port);
header.dst_port = ntohs(header.dst_port);
header.length = ntohs(header.length);
header.checksum = ntohs(header.checksum);
return header;
Client code in packet capture handler:
using std::chrono::seconds;
using std::chrono::microseconds;
using clock = std::chrono::system_clock;
using Net::ether_header_t;
using Net::ip_header_t;
using Net::udp_header_t;
auto packet_time = clock::time_point(seconds(header->ts.tv_sec) + microseconds(header->ts.tv_usec));
std::istringstream stream(std::string((char*)packet, header->caplen));
stream.seekg(sizeof(ether_header_t), std::ios_base::beg);
auto ip_header = Net::load<ip_header_t>(stream);
if( ip_header.size() > 20 ) {
stream.seekg(ip_header.size() + sizeof(ether_header_t), std::ios_base::beg);
auto udp_header = Net::load<udp_header_t>(stream);
alternative (C style):
(Sorry for any errors. I typed this from memory, and didn't try to compile or run--but I think you will understand the basic idea):
typedef uint32_t addr_t;
typedef uint16_t port_t;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
uint8_t dst_addr[6];
uint8_t src_addr[6];
uint16_t llc_len;
} ether_header_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t ver_ihl; // 4 bits version and 4 bits internet header length
uint8_t tos;
uint16_t total_length;
uint16_t id;
uint16_t flags_fo; // 3 bits flags and 13 bits fragment-offset
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t protocol;
uint16_t checksum;
addr_t src_addr;
addr_t dst_addr;
} ip_header_t;
typedef struct {
port_t src_port;
port_t dst_port;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t checksum;
} udp_header_t;
#pragma pack(pop)
client code in packet handler:
ip_header_t ip_header = (ip_header_t)*(packet + sizeof(ether_header_t));
ip_header.total_length = ntohs(ip_header.total_length);
ip_header.id = ntohs(ip_header.id);
ip_header.flags_fo = ntohs(ip_header.flags_fo);
ip_header.checksum = ntohs(ip_header.checksum);
ip_header.src_addr = ntohl(ip_header.src_addr);
ip_header.dst_addr = ntohl(ip_header.dst_addr);
int ip_size = 4 * (ip_header.ver_ihl & 0x0F);
udp_header_t udp_header = (udp_header_t)*(packet + ip_size + sizeof(ether_header_t));
udp_header.src_port = ntohs(udp_header.src_port);
udp_header.dst_port = ntohs(udp_header.dst_port);
udp_header.length = ntohs(udp_header.length);
udp_header.checksum = ntohs(udp_header.checksum);
TCP Header Notes
according to netinet/tcp.h
, the TCP header is roughly:
typedef struct {
uint16_t src_port;
uint16_t dst_port;
uint32_t seq;
uint32_t ack;
uint8_t data_offset; // 4 bits
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t window_size;
uint16_t checksum;
uint16_t urgent_p;
} tcp_header_t;
Load this struct into memory using whichever method you prefer and don't forget to fix the byte ordering (ntohs/ntohl) for multi-byte integer types as above.
The TCP options follow, which cannot be loaded into a struct like this. See the section about TCP options at this link. For MSS, you will want to parse each option until you find option with kind == 2. Building on the C example above:
typedef struct {
uint8_t kind;
uint8_t size;
} tcp_option_t;
uint16_t mss;
uint8_t* opt = (uint8_t*)(packet + ip_size + sizeof(ether_header_t) + sizeof(tcp_header_t))
while( *opt != 0 ) {
tcp_option_t* _opt = (tcp_option_t*)opt;
if( _opt->kind == 1 /* NOP */ ) {
++opt; // NOP is one byte;
if( _opt->kind == 2 /* MSS */ ) {
mss = ntohs((uint16_t)*(opt + sizeof(opt)));
opt += _opt->size;