I'm trying to build a single page app that utilizes HTML5 App Cache, which will cache a whole new version of the app for every distinct URL, thus I must redirect everyone to /
and have my app route them afterward (this is the solution used on devdocs.io).
Here's my nginx config. I want all requests to send a file if it exists, redirect to my API at /auth
and /api
, and redirect all other requests to index.html. Why is the following configuration causing my browser to say that there is a redirect loop? If the user hits location block #2 and his route doesn't match a static file, he's sent to location block #3, which will redirect him to "/" which should hit location block #1 and serve index.html, correct? What is causing the redirect loop here? Is there a better way to accomplish this?
root /files/whatever/public;
index index.html;
# If the location is exactly "/", send index.html.
location = / {
try_files $uri /index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri @redirectToIndex;
# Set the cookie of the initialPath and redirect to "/".
location @redirectToIndex {
add_header Set-Cookie "initialPath=$request_uri; path=/";
return 302 $scheme://$host/;
# Proxy requests to "/auth" and "/api" to the server.
location ~* (^\/auth)|(^\/api) {
proxy_pass http://application_upstream;
proxy_redirect off;