I have trouble getting the DeepBeliefTrainer to work on my data in PyBrain/Python. Since I can't find any examples other than unsupervised on how to use the deep learning in PyBrain, I hope that someone can give examples that would show a basic concept of usage.
I have tried to initialize using:
epochs = 100
layerDims = [768,100,100,1]
net = buildNetwork(*layerDims)
dataset = self.dataset
trainer = DeepBeliefTrainer(net, dataset=dataSet)
I try to use a SupervisedDataset for regression, but the training just fails. Have anyone succeded with using deeplearning trainer for supervised machine learning? And how did you do it?
Error I get:
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PyBrain-0.3.1-py2.7.egg/pybrain/structure/networks/rbm.py", line 39, in __init__
self.con = self.net.connections[self.visible][0]
KeyError: None