I used to have a login dialog using bootstrap modal:
$scope.loginDialog = {
backdrop: true,
keyboard: true,
windowClass: "modal loginDialog",
backdropClick: true,
templateUrl: '/tmpl/user/loginForm',
controller: function dialogController($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.submit = function () {
$http.post('/api/login', $scope.user).success(...);
Login form looks like this:
label(for='user[usernameOrEmail]') Name or Email:
input(type='text', name='user[usernameOrEmail]', required="required", value='', ng-model="user.user")
label(for='user[password]') Password:
input(name='user[password]', type='password', value='', required="required", ng-model="user.password")
input.btn.btn-primary( type="submit", value="Login")
In angular ui 0.4 and angularjs 1.1.3 this worked fine.
I've updated to the latest angular ui 0.6 and 1.2rc2 and now this no longer works. Specifically $scope.user
is no longer the same as the one in the form. How do I get the $scope of the form element? I see it in the batarang but not from the loginDialog controller.
You are missing the resolve
property on your open model object. This is the new way to pass in locals to your modal's controller.
From the ui-bootstrap documentation:
resolve - members that will be resolved and passed to the controller
as locals; it is equivalent of the resolve property for AngularJS
Updated code and working plunker
angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap']);
var ModalDemoCtrl = function ($scope, $modal, $log) {
$scope.user = {
user: 'name',
password: null
$scope.open = function () {
templateUrl: 'myModalContent.html',
backdrop: true,
windowClass: 'modal',
controller: function ($scope, $modalInstance, $log, user) {
$scope.user = user;
$scope.submit = function () {
$log.log('Submiting user info.');
$scope.cancel = function () {
resolve: {
user: function () {
return $scope.user;
In continuance to the above reply, I forked the plunker and made a few minor changes:
Versions used:
- angularjs : 1.2.11
- angular-ui-bootstrap : 0.10.0
- bootstrap : 3.1.0
Another important difference is that the user
object is now passed from the HTML template, which could be a case when you might have a list of items displayed and you would want to open a modal dialog, by passing the object representing the list item clicked.
Plunker is at: http://plnkr.co/edit/bfpma2?p=preview