I am brand new at this Javascript/JSON/Handlebars thing, and I am having trouble getting a JSON object, with two nested levels, to work in a Handlebars template.
I have validated the JSON object with JSONLint, so it is valid JSON code, but I don't know if I have the correct JSON format to make the template work correctly. :) (I am building the JSON manually in another system.) Or perhaps it is the syntax of the template that I have incorrect. That's what I hope to find out...
The short description: this object is a table of contents. I have Chapters and then the movies within each Chapter. So the Movies are nested elements of each Chapter element.
I want HTML output similar to:
Chapter1: ChapterName
Movie1: MovieName
Movie2: MovieName
Chapter2: Chaptername
Movie1: MovieName
Movie2: MovieName
Movie3: MovieName
I seem to end up with only 1 instance of the data (the last element in my JSON object), or I get nothing at all. (Depends on which little tweak or version I try.) The browser console doesn't show any errors.
Here's all the code that I have been trying to use so far (scripts, HTML, template, etc):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Handlebars Demo</title>
<!-- dependant files -->
<script src="Handlebars.js"></script>
<!-- template -->
<script id="template2" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div>Chapter stuff:</div>
<ul>{{#each Chapter}}
<ol>{{@index}} {{ChapterName}}
{{#each movies}}
<li>Movie ID:{{movieIDnum}}</li>
<body><div id="main"></div></body>
var source = document.getElementById('template2').innerHTML;
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = {
"Chapter" : {
"ChapterName" : "Introduction",
"chapterNum" : "1",
"movies" : [
"movieIDnum" : "16244028",
"movieName" : "Update Test Movie 0",
"movieFileName" : "Test0.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "1"
"Chapter" : {
"ChapterName" : "Welcome",
"chapterNum" : "2",
"movies" : [
"movieIDnum" : " 17322365",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 1",
"movieFileName" : "Test1.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "1"
"movieIDnum" : " 17326267",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 3",
"movieFileName" : "Test3.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "2"
"Chapter" : {
"ChapterName" : "The new Interface",
"chapterNum" : "2",
"movies" : [
"movieIDnum" : " 1732123476",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 12",
"movieFileName" : "Test12.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "1"
"movieIDnum" : " 173262373",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 9",
"movieFileName" : "Test9.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "2"
"movieIDnum" : " 173273474",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 10",
"movieFileName" : "Test10.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "3"
"Chapter" : {
"ChapterName" : "What is an Update?",
"chapterNum" : "4",
"movies" : [
"movieIDnum" : " 177342131",
"chapterNum" : "4",
"chapterName" : "What is an Update?",
"movieName" : "Test movie again",
"movieFileName" : "Test13.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "1"
"Chapter" : {
"ChapterName" : "Editing",
"chapterNum" : "5",
"movies" : [
"movieIDnum" : " 173290878",
"movieName" : "Update Test movie 14",
"movieFileName" : "Test14mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "1"
"movieIDnum" : " 177344914",
"movieName" : " Movie 15 Test",
"movieFileName" : "Test233.mov",
"moviePositionInChapter" : "2"
var result = template(data);
I would like to know why THIS doesn't work, not just a "Here's how to solve your problem using 4 other different things in a totally different format". It is my understanding that this SHOULD be workable with the tools I am trying to use. I would like to better understand these tools and learn from the process, not just get a solution. (You know, teach a man to fish... :) )
Thanks, J