i need to use the new google-play (or market) expansion library , and i have hard time with it . i wonder if anyone else is using it and notice the same problems i can see , so i would be very happy if you could help be to fix them:
1.sometimes i don't get important events (errors, for example) back to the downloader activity .
2.it doesn't work at all on some devices , like xoom . i think i've fixed it: Download expansion files on tablet
3.even for identical devices , one can download the file and the other can always get a connection error. for some devices , it will never never be able to download (even non-rooted devices which have the google-play app) .
4.after the download is complete , the file can be corrupted , so i need to use CRC check and re-download everything again .
5.notification sometimes opens multiple instances of the downloader activity upon pressing it. also , i don't get why they let the notification stay in case the activity is still shown .
6.when an error occurs and later handled , it doesn't wait for the user to tell it to resume . i'm not sure in which cases it occur , but it's really weird and unpredictable.
7.upon leaving the downloader activity , i get an exception of a leaking service .
8.upon obfuscating of the app , it crashes because of SQL operations done via the library . how and why is that? EDIT: this is because google decided to make some reflections operations on the SQL part (in the file "DownloadsDB.java") . in order to fix it , i've tried to set proguard to ignore the entire library (it's open source anyway) , but it didn't work , so what i did is to give the classes it wants by myself , so i've replaced "DownloadsDB.class.getDeclaredClasses()" with "new Class[] {MetadataColumns.class, DownloadColumns.class};" .
i just don't get why couldn't google just publish a simple API to send an intent to the market to download the file and check if it's ok , or provide a much less complex library . because of the complexity , it's very hard to find and fix their bugs .
my question is: has anyone else tried this library , and has someone else been successfull in using it without any problems? if so, please publish the solution...
EDIT: it seems google has updated its library (to version 2) .
they claim the next changes:
- List item
- Patch file now gets downloaded.
- Honeycomb devices now supported with ICS-like notifications
- CRC check (from sample) now supports compressed Zip files
- Use of reflection removed to allow easy obfuscation
- Service leak fixed
- Unprintable character removed from ZipResourceFile
- Minor formatting changes
- Additional comments and edits to this file
i've tested it now , and it seems that they are almost there .
the only bug i've found is that if i update the expansion file (and the APK&filesize&CRC) , the download starts but it didn't remove the older expansion file.
also , the notification shows the current time instead of , well , anything else that could be related to the download.
for now , since i have only one expansion , i do the next check each time i get the STATE_COMPLETED state from the service . i hope it doesn't have any other problems :
private void deleteOldExpansionFile()
int fileVersion = 0;
final int versionCode = App.getAppVersionCode(DownloaderActivity.this);
fileVersion = versionCode;
final String fileName = Helpers.getExpansionAPKFileName(this, true, fileVersion); //get the expansion file name based on the build version of the app.
final File newFile = new File(Helpers.generateSaveFileName(this, fileName));
final File[] listFiles = newFile.getParentFile().listFiles();
for (final File file:listFiles)
final String name = file.getName();
if (name.startsWith(fileName))