Fast max-flow min-cut library for Python

2019-03-11 01:42发布


Is there a reliable and well-documented Python library with a fast implementation of an algorithm that finds maximum flows and minimum cuts in directed graphs?

pygraph.algorithms.minmax.maximum_flow from python-graph solves the problem but it is painfully slow: finding max-flows and min-cuts in a directed graph with something like 4000 nodes and 11000 edges takes > 1 minute. I am looking for something that is at least an order of magnitude faster.

Bounty: I'm offering a bounty on this question to see if the situation has changed since when this question was asked. Bonus points if you have personal experience with the library you recommend!


I have used graph-tool for similar tasks.

Graph-tool is an efficient python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs (a.k.a. networks). They even have superb documentation about max-flow algorithms.

Currently graph-tool supports given algorithms:

  • Edmonds-Karp - Calculate maximum flow on the graph with the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
  • Push relabel - Calculate maximum flow on the graph with the push-relabel algorithm.
  • Boykov Kolmogorov - Calculate maximum flow on the graph with the Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm.

Example taken from docs: find maxflow using Boykov-Kolmogorov:

>>> g = gt.load_graph("flow-example.xml.gz") #producing example is in doc
>>> cap = g.edge_properties["cap"]
>>> src, tgt = g.vertex(0), g.vertex(1)
>>> res = gt.boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow(g, src, tgt, cap)
>>> res.a = cap.a - res.a  # the actual flow
>>> max_flow = sum(res[e] for e in tgt.in_edges())
>>> print max_flow
>>> pos = g.vertex_properties["pos"]
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, pin=True, penwidth=res, output="example-kolmogorov.png")

I executed this example with random directed graph(nodes=4000, vertices = 23964), all process took just 11seconds.

alternative libraries:

  • igraph - mainly implemented in C, but has Python and R interface
  • Linked topic "Python packages for graph theory"
  • or other selected graph tools in Sage wiki.


I don't know if it is faster, you'll need to check that, but have you tried networkx ? Seems like it offers the functionality you're looking for and from my experience it is a very easy to use library for handling graphs.


For really good performance, you can try reformulating your problem as an Integer Linear Program, any of the standard ILP tools should give you more than adequate performance.

Wikipedia contains a good list of such both commercial and open source tools, many of which seem to have python bindings. Amongst the most well known are CPLEX and lp_solve.

I've personally used lp_solve reasonably heavily over the last few years and found it sufficient to just write input to lp_solve as plain text files and invoke lp_solve using the shell. Thinking back, I probably should have invested a bit more effort to get the official python bindings to lp_solve working.