What event is triggered when EOF is reached while writing to a stream ? My code is as follows. and it is as per http://docs.nodejitsu.com/articles/advanced/streams/how-to-use-fs-create-write-stream
But surprisingly my 'end' event is never fired. When I checked http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_event_end, I see that writable stream does not have any event on 'end'
var x = a1.jpg;
var options1 = {'url': url_of_an_image, 'encoding': null};
var r = request(options1).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/imageresize/'+x));
r.on('end', function(){
console.log('file downloaded to ', '/tmp/imageresize/'+x);
How do I capture the EOF event ?