I am trying with moment.js to know if a date is today, yesterday, 1 week ago, or older (2 weeks ago or more).
I already done that for the first two cases:
var today = moment().startOf('day');
var yesterday = moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day');
if (moment(localTime).isSame(today, 'd')) // today
// do something
if (moment(localTime).isSame(yesterday, 'd')) // yesterday
// do something
Is that correct?
However, how could I check if a date is a week ago, or older (eg. two weeks ago)?
Here's something that can be useful:
var REFERENCE = moment("2015-06-05"); // fixed just for testing, use moment();
var TODAY = REFERENCE.clone().startOf('day');
var YESTERDAY = REFERENCE.clone().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day');
var A_WEEK_OLD = REFERENCE.clone().subtract(7, 'days').startOf('day');
function isToday(momentDate) {
return momentDate.isSame(TODAY, 'd');
function isYesterday(momentDate) {
return momentDate.isSame(YESTERDAY, 'd');
function isWithinAWeek(momentDate) {
return momentDate.isAfter(A_WEEK_OLD);
function isTwoWeeksOrMore(momentDate) {
return !isWithinAWeek(momentDate);
console.log("is it today? ..................Should be true: "+isToday(moment("2015-06-05")));
console.log("is it yesterday? ..............Should be true: "+isYesterday(moment("2015-06-04")));
console.log("is it within a week? ..........Should be true: "+isWithinAWeek(moment("2015-06-03")));
console.log("is it within a week? ..........Should be false: "+isWithinAWeek(moment("2015-05-29")));
console.log("is it two weeks older or more? Should be false: "+isTwoWeeksOrMore(moment("2015-05-30")));
console.log("is it two weeks older or more? Should be true: "+isTwoWeeksOrMore(moment("2015-05-29")));
Check a JSFiddle demo with more tests, so you can tweak for your exact case, if needed.
More precise answer as follows
var today = moment();
var yesterday = moment().subtract(1, 'day');
var engagementDate = (Date to be compare);
if(moment(engagementDate).isSame(today, 'day'))
else if(moment(engagementDate).isSame(yesterday, 'day'))
The diff function might be helpful for your case and, in general, to check the exact days since a date
var sampleDaysAgo = moment().subtract(28, 'days'); //28 just for test
var today = moment();
console.log(today.diff(sampleDaysAgo, 'days')); // 28
Moment already contains some logic of this nature
You may want to look at their source code for the humanize
and the fromNow
I found this useful to see how they did it.
The way you format the string will depend on your business, and to be honest the built in logic probably won't cut it most of the time. It seems to make sense for the date of a 'post' where 'a few days ago' is ok but I'm tracking packages in the mail and saying 'Your package shipped a few days ago' just isn't good enough.
From version 2.14 onwards you can customize the calendar()
moment().calendar(YOUR_DATE, {
sameDay: function (now) {
if (this.isBefore(now)) {
return '[Will Happen Today]';
} else {
return '[Happened Today]';
/* ... */
This is designed for 'calendar' type events.