I want to build two separate vue apps that will be served on two different routes in an express application: a ‘public’ vue app and an ‘admin’ vue app. These two apps have their own router and store but they share a lot of custom components. How can I edit the default webpack template to make it output two separate bundles based of my two different entry points (‘public’ and ‘admin’)? The goal would be to end up with a setup more or less like this:
+- ...
+- dist/
| +- admin/ Admin bundle and files
| +- public/ Public bundle and files
+- src/
| +- components/ Shared components
| +- admin/ Entry point, router, store... for the admin app
| +- public/ Entry point, router, store... for the public app
+- ...
Must by available 2 dev servers http://localhost:8080/admin and http://localhost:8080/public Each project must be in own folder in dist, and own public
What i have today: created file vue.config.js in root directory With:
module.exports = {
// tweak internal webpack configuration.
// see https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/docs/webpack.md
chainWebpack: config => {
// If you wish to remove the standard entry point
// then add your own