I have a build job and a test job parameters.
I want to be after the build job, simultaneously run test job with one parameter and the same test job with different parameters in parallel execution.
build job
/ \
test job test job
with one params with other params
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How to accomplish this and whether it is possible to perform without having to write your own plugin?
When you create your test job, create it as a "Build multi-configuration project"
While configuring the job select "Configuration Matrix" then "User-defined axis"
You can use the name of this axis as a parameter in your job. the given parameters will be started simultaneous in different jobs. (if enough executors are available)
Playing off @Soo Wei Tan's answer, I found the following works well.
- Parameterized Trigger Plugin
- Choose "Parameter Factory"
- Choose "For every property file, invoke one build"
Then, in a shell, write a series of property files, and the Trigger Plugin will take care of the rest.
You can even combine this with a matrix style job at the top level in interesting ways. For example, triggering on the user-defined axis, keeping track of it all with a grid. Really quite a flexible approach, if a bit hidden.
Assuming you know the parameters when you are finishing your build job, you can use the Parameterized Trigger Build plugin to fire both downstream jobs with different parameters.
I had the same requirement, and found that Parameterized Trigger Plugin was not flexible enough for passing different parameters to different (or the same) jobs in parallel. Yes you can use a Parameter Factory with property files, but that would mean adding new property files to my version control solely for the purpose of configuring Jenkins. A Multi-Configuration project with a configuration matrix also seemed overcomplicated.
The better and more straightforward solution for me was the Multijob Plugin, which has the concept of Phases. A MultiJob can have multiple phases. Phases run sequentially and jobs within a phase will run concurrently (in parallel).
After installing the MultiJob plugin, when creating a new Jenkins item, select MultiJob Project. You can then create one or more phases.
Each job within a phase has it own parameters, click Advanced... -> Add Parameters
Also it is very easy to configure what should happen if a particular job fails, should the entire MultiJob continue or fail etc, see the Kill the phase on: and Continuation condition to next phase
when jobs' statuses are: settings.
For me this was much more intuitive to use than the Parameterized Trigger Plugin or a Mult-Configuration project, and did not require any extra configuration outside of Jenkins.
One option would be to use Build Flow plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Flow+Plugin) potentially together with Job DSL plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Job+DSL+Plugin). You can use Job DSL to define job steps that invoke your build with different command line arguments and orchestrate the build with Build Flow.
I have a slightly different use case. We have test jobs that run against our main build during the development cycle. Toward the end of the cycle; we create a release candidate build and run the same tests against that. We want to also continue testing the main build.
Main Build Release Build
\ /
same set of tests
I can create duplicate jobs with just different names to handle this. But there have to be a more elegant/simpler way.
Could you please say a bit more why do you need your test jobs to run concurrently?
I do use test that need to split and run simultaneously, but I use a single Jenkins/Hudson job that has a weight > 1 (see Heavy Job Plugin).