
Assetic - Route “_assetic_001d5b7_0” does not exis

2019-03-10 23:25发布


This question seems to have been asked multiple times but none of the solutions work for me.

I'm in my prod environment, here is what I've done:

  • cleared cache before/after doing anything
  • attempted commenting out the _assetic stuff in config_dev and ensure it isn't anywhere else (not that this should matter in prod env)
  • set use_controller to both true and false (obviously works with true but doesn't use the compiled files)

Is there anything else I'm missing? The files are generating completely fine from php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug the file name matches that of in the error minus the route stuff.


I had this problem just one minute ago. Clean up the cache worked for me:

app/console cache:clear --env=prod

Hope this helps.


If clearing the cache or dumping the assets doesn't work. Try noisebleed's comment:

// app/config_dev.yml
    use_controller: true
    bundles: ['FooBarBundle']


Maybe you have removed the assetic routing from the app/routing_dev.yml

    resource: .
    type:     assetic


Faced with the same issue but reason was I name template as "something.twig", not "something.html.twig".

Its seems assetic not scan templates without .html in extension.

As result - template work, but assetic not perform dumping/adding routes for assets from it. Adding .html solve the problem.


Updating the config.yml with a dumb character (newline, white space) remove that error. It seems that by doing that, we force the cache do be re-generated. (Symfony 3.0.0)


maybe is too late but... what worked for me:

php composer.phar install
php app/console cache:clear
php app/console cache:warmup


Like @Marcus said, if you tried:

php bin/console cache:clear

and it didn't help, please clear the your_project_root/var/cache folder manually (remove all folders and files). If you use unix/linux systems, and receive a system message like "Error removing file: Permission denied", you need to change accesses to dir first, for example you can use console command

sudo chmod -R 0777 /your_site_directory/var/cache/

and after this you can clear cache dir.


I encountered this issue in Symfony 3.3 after trying to override my Twig templates directory. Not sure how to fix the issue, but reverting to default templates directory config resolved the issue for now.

# config.yml
    paths: ["%kernel.project_dir%/templates"] # Remove this line to use default dir