I'm new in stackoverflow, I have a problem with new swift code. I have custom the return button on keyboard with "Done", but when I tap on it, don't befall anything... How can I hide the keyboard on tap it? I have added a code (found on this site) for hide the keyboard when you tap somewhere ,not in the keyboard, but I can't custom it with tap on "done" button... Thank you before!!
Yo need to implement delegate method which is called when you hit done button:
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField!) -> Bool {
return true
You also need to conform to UITextFieldDelegate protocol:
class MyViewController: UIViewController,UITextFieldDelegate // I assume you override UIview controller class if not add UITextFieldDelegate to your class
The last thing is set up your class to be a text field delegate:
textField.delegate = self
textField.delegate = self
can be replaced by
This will create the necessary connections between your View, its component and will make the textFieldShouldReturn method work as expected.
The protocol methods have new signatures (Swift 4.1). IE:
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true
As the protocol methods are optional, using a wrong signature will silently fail.