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How to resize the iPhone/iPad Simulator?
11 answers
Is it possible to resize the iPhone Simulator? I'm using screen capture software to record a demo of my iPhone application, and it would be handy to be able to resize the iPhone Simulator window.
You should try cmd 2 or cmd 3 on your keyboard to scale down.
And cmd 1 to get back to the original scale.
Unfortunately no, it must maintain that size. We had the same issue. I wish I could give you a more complete answer, however it seems reasonable for the accurate rendering profiling that it maintains 1-to-1 pixel ratio, otherwise it would have to sub-sample the pixels, causing the profiling to be incorrect.
This is no longer the correct answer.
a picture is worth a thousand words
You can scale iOS simulator to desire scale (i tried from 0.2 to 1.4 ) and it worked for me.
To do this you have to go to /Library/Preferences and edit
file. Edit value of KEY SimulatorWindowLastScale
to your desired scale.
I tried this on latest Version of Mountain Lion 10.8.4 & iOS simulator 6.0.
Enjoy!!!! Let me know if it worked for you guys.
You can reduce screen size of simulator by doing this
Window -- Scale -- 25% (Select size which you feel comfort)