I want to check if the values in one column are the same as values in another column. Whenever the values are not the same, I would like to change the color of these cells.
For example:
Column I, Column AA
both have the value of a the first month in years from 1318 till 1500 "Arabic Calender"
but I want to check which of these values doesn't match and color them with yellow for example.
In this case, both cells in row 3 should have a different color after the checking operation.
Is there a way to do this?
you could try this:
I have these two columns (column "A" and column "B"). I want to color them when the values between cells in the same row mismatch.
Follow these steps:
Select the elements in column "A" (excluding A1);
Click on "Conditional formatting -> New Rule -> Use a formula to determine which cells to format";
Insert the following formula: =IF(A2<>B2;1;0);
Select the format options and click "OK";
Select the elements in column "B" (excluding B1) and repeat the steps from 2 to 4.
In my case I had to compare column E and I.
I used conditional formatting with new rule.
Formula was "=IF($E1<>$I1,1,0)" for highlights in orange
and "=IF($E1=$I1,1,0)" to highlight in green.
Next problem is how many columns you want to highlight.
If you open Conditional Formatting Rules Manager you can edit for each rule domain of applicability: Check "Applies to"
In my case I used "=$E:$E,$I:$I" for both rules so I highlight only two columns for differences - column I and column E.