I'm trying to integrate Medium blogging into an app by showing some cards with posts images and links to the original Medium publication.
From Medium API docs I can see how to retrieve publications and create posts, but it doesn't mention retrieving posts. Is retrieving posts/stories for a user currently possible using the Medium's API?
The API is write-only and is not intended to retrieve posts (Medium staff told me)
You can simply use the RSS feed as such:
You can simply get the RSS feed via GET, then if you need it in JSON format just use a NPM module like rss-to-json and you're good to go.
With that REST method you would do this: GET https://api.medium.com/v1/users/{{userId}}/publications
and this would return the title, image, and the item's URL.
Further details: https://github.com/Medium/medium-api-docs#32-publications .
You can also add "?format=json" to the end of any URL on Medium and get useful data back.
If you planning to get it from Client side using JavaScript or jQuery or Angular, etc. then you need to build API gateway or web service that serves you feed. In the case of PHP, RoR or any server side that should not be the case.
You can get it directly in JSON format as given beneath:
In my case, I made a simple web service in the express app and host it over Heroku. React App hits the API exposed over Heroku and gets the data.
const MEDIUM_URL = "https://medium.com/@yourhandle/latest?format=json";
router.get("/posts", (req, res, next) => {
request.get(MEDIUM_URL, (err, apiRes, body) => {
if (!err && apiRes.statusCode === 200) {
let i = body.indexOf("{");
const data = body.substr(i);
} else {
I have built a basic function using AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway if anyone is interested. A detailed explanation is found on this blog post here and the repository for the the Lambda function built with Node.js is found here on Github. Hopefully someone here finds it useful.
(Updating the JS Fiddle and the Clay function that explains it as we updated the function syntax to be cleaner)
I wrapped the Github package @mark-fasel was mentioning below into a Clay microservice that enables you to do exactly this:
Simplified Return Format: https://www.clay.run/services/nicoslepicos/medium-get-user-posts-new/code
I put together a little fiddle, since a user was asking how to use the endpoint in HTML to get the titles for their last 3 posts:
You can call the API as:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"nicolaerusan"}' https://clay.run/services/nicoslepicos/medium-get-users-posts-simple
You can also use it easily in your node code using the clay-client npm package and just write:
Clay.run('nicoslepicos/medium-get-user-posts-new', {"profile":"profileValue"})
.then((result) => {
// Do what you want with returned result
.catch((error) => {
Hope that's helpful!
Check this One you will get all info about your own post........
mediumController.getBlogs = (req, res) => {
parser('https://medium.com/feed/@profileName', function (err, rss) {
if (err) {
var stories = [];
for (var i = rss.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var new_story = {};
new_story.title = rss[i].title;
new_story.description = rss[i].description;
new_story.date = rss[i].date;
new_story.link = rss[i].link;
new_story.author = rss[i].author;
new_story.comments = rss[i].comments;
res.json(200, {
Data: stories
const MdFetch = async (name) => {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
const data = await MdFetch('@chawki726');