I am using RStudio to write my R Markdown files. How can I remove the hashes (##
) in the final HTML output file that are displayed before the code output?
As an example:
output: html_document
I am using RStudio to write my R Markdown files. How can I remove the hashes (##
) in the final HTML output file that are displayed before the code output?
As an example:
output: html_document
You can include in your chunk options something like
comment=NA # to remove all hashes
comment='%' # to use a different character
More help on knitr available from here: http://yihui.name/knitr/options
If you are using R Markdown as you mentioned, your chunk could look like this:
```{r comment=NA}
If you want to change this globally, you can include a chunk in your document:
```{r include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
If your output is just HTML, you can make good use of the PRE or CODE HTML tag.
```{r my_pre_example,echo=FALSE,include=TRUE,results='asis'}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
Welch Two Sample t-testdata: mtcars$mpg and mtcars$wt t = 15.633, df = 32.633, p-value < 0.00000000000000022 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 14.67644 19.07031 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 20.09062 3.21725
If your output is PDF, then you may need some replace function. Here what I am using:
tidyPrint <- function(data) {
content <- paste0(data,collapse = "\n\n")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\t"," ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\ ","\\\\ ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\$","\\\\$")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\*","\\\\*")
content <- str_replace_all(content,":",": ")
The code also needs to be a little different:
```{r my_pre_example,echo=FALSE,include=TRUE,results='asis'}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
resultTTest <- capture.output(t.test(mtcars$mpg,mtcars$wt))
If you really need the page work in both cases PDF and HTML, the tidyPrint should be a little different in the last step.
tidyPrint <- function(data) {
content <- paste0(data,collapse = "\n\n")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\t"," ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\ ","\\\\ ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\$","\\\\$")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\*","\\\\*")
content <- str_replace_all(content,":",": ")
The PDF result is the same, and the HTML result is close to the previous, but with some extra border.
It is not perfect but maybe is good enough.