Javascript Library for hierarchical flowchart [clo

2019-03-10 11:18发布


Do you know any Javascript libraries which can present graph visually in a web page?

Clarification: by graphs I mean something like workflow trees or decision trees. Sorry for not being clear.


I've been doing some research, looking for a JS component that would handle the live creation of flow charts / decision trees, mxGraph looks pretty handy:

Disclaimer: I have no relationship at all with the vendor, other than having searched the net for something suitable.


I made a proof-of-concept box and connector program using Prototype years ago. It's kind of crappy, and I never finished it, but it's proof it can be done. You're welcome to it.


Dojo Charting:

  • tests (warning: this test server set up for debugging)
  • my articles on SitePen's blog (disclamer: I am the principle developer of this package).

Stand-alone Dojo charting widgets with links to the same test server:

  • analog gauge
  • bar gauge (variation of the bullet chart).

EDIT: responding to the latest edit of the question: Dojo Charting does not support flow charts directly. There are several projects that did just that using Dojo GFX, but nobody contributed it back — try to Google for it.



Create flowchart using only HTML GUI. Functions are written in JavaScript with the help of JQuery. Drawing source is in HTML and visible. Program can be used locally if open the index.htm in browser.


We used YUI in our last project. It's free and has a lot of neat features, check it out!

EDIT: Charts is the component that allows statistical type graphs, scatter plots and other charting stuff. I didn't realize you were looking for a flowchart / hierarchy based graph.


SO uses flot, which I think is pretty awesome, and am looking to use in an upcoming company project

edit: Missed the "hierarchical" part. Would still recommend flot for linear though


I used the following library a while back and it implements walker's algorithm nicely. It might be a bit dated though.


I think JQuery has some solutions to it, but I would say do it in Flex, it's awesome for these kind of scenarios. There are even an open source solution to Flex. And it's quite easy also, only look in the Adobe documentation.


How about InfoVis? (See this SO question.)