How can I merge maps like below:
Map1 = Map(1 -> Class1(1), 2 -> Class1(2))
Map2 = Map(2 -> Class2(1), 3 -> Class2(2))
After merged.
Merged = Map( 1 -> List(Class1(1)), 2 -> List(Class1(2), Class2(1)), 3 -> Class2(2))
Can be List, Set or any other collection who has size attribute.
Using the standard lib, you can do it as follows:
// convert maps to seq, to keep duplicate keys and concat
val merged = Map(1 -> 2).toSeq ++ Map(1 -> 4).toSeq
// merged: Seq[(Int, Int)] = ArrayBuffer((1,2), (1,4))
// group by key
val grouped = merged.groupBy(_._1)
// grouped: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Seq[(Int, Int)]] = Map(1 -> ArrayBuffer((1,2), (1,4)))
// remove key from value set and convert to list
val cleaned = grouped.mapValues(_.map(_._2).toList)
// cleaned: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,List[Int]] = Map(1 -> List(2, 4))
This is the simplest implementation i could come up with,
val m1 = Map(1 -> "1", 2 -> "2")
val m2 = Map(2 -> "21", 3 -> "3")
def merge[K, V](m1:Map[K, V], m2:Map[K, V]):Map[K, List[V]] =
(m1.keySet ++ m2.keySet) map { i => i -> (m1.get(i).toList ::: m2.get(i).toList) } toMap
merge(m1, m2) // Map(1 -> List(1), 2 -> List(2, 21), 3 -> List(3))
You could use scalaz:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
val m1 = Map('a -> 1, 'b -> 2)
val m2 = Map('b -> 3, 'c -> 4)
m1.mapValues{List(_)} |+| m2.mapValues{List(_)}
// Map('b -> List(2, 3), 'c -> List(4), 'a -> List(1))
You could use Set(_)
instead of List(_)
to get Set
s as values in Map
See Semigroup in scalaz cheat sheet (or in learning scalaz) for details about |+|
For Int
works as +
, for List
- as ++
, for Map
it applies |+|
to values of same keys.
One clean way to do it, with cats:
import cats.implicits._
Map(1 -> "Hello").combine(Map(2 -> "Goodbye"))
//Map(2 -> Goodbye, 1 -> Hello)
It's important to note that both maps have to be of the same type (in this case, Map[Int, String]
Long explanation:
isn't really a member of Map. By importing cats.implicits you're bringing into scope cats's Map built-in monoid instances, along with some implicit classes which enable the terse syntax.
The above is equivalent to this:
Monoid[Map[Int, String]].combine(Map(1 -> "Hello"), Map(2 -> "Goodbye"))
Where we're using the Monoid "summoner" function to get the Monoid[Map[Int, String]] instance in scope and using its combine function.
I wrote a blog post about this , check it out :
basically using scalaz semi group you can achieve this pretty easily
would look something like :
import scalaz.Scalaz._
Map1 |+| Map2
If you don't want to mess around with original maps you could do something like following
val target = map1.clone()
val source = map2.clone()
source.foreach(e => target += e._1 -> e._2)
left.keys map { k => k -> List(left(k),right(k)) } toMap
Is concise and will work, assuming your two maps are left
and right
. Not sure about efficiency.
But your question is a bit ambiguous, for two reasons. You don't specify
- The subtyping relationship between the values (i.e.
- What happens if the maps have different keys
For the first case, consider the following example:
val left = Map("foo" ->1, "bar" ->2)
val right = Map("bar" -> 'a', "foo" -> 'b')
Which results in
res0: Map[String,List[Int]] = Map(foo -> List(1, 98), bar -> List(2, 97))
Notice how the Char
s have been converted to Int
s, because of the scala type hierarchy. More generally, if in your example class1
and class2
are not related, you would get back a List[Any]
; this is probably not what you wanted.
You can work around this by dropping the List
constructor from my answer; this will return Tuple
s which preserve the type:
res0: Map[String,(Int, Char)] = Map(foo -> (1,b), bar -> (2,a))
The second problem is what happens when you have maps that don't have the same keys. This will result in a key not found
exception. Put in another way, are you doing a left, right, or inner join of the two maps? You can disambiguate the type of join by switching to right.keys
or right.keySet ++ left.keySet
for right/inner joins respectively. The later will work around the missing key problem, but maybe that's not what you want i.e. maybe you want a left or right join instead. In that case you can consider using the withDefault
method of Map
to ensure every key returns a value, e.g. None
, but this needs a bit more work.
You can use foldLeft to merge two Maps of the same type
def merge[A, B](a: Map[A, B], b: Map[A, B])(mergef: (B, Option[B]) => B): Map[A, B] = {
val (big, small) = if (a.size > b.size) (a, b) else (b, a)
small.foldLeft(big) { case (z, (k, v)) => z + (k -> mergef(v, z.get(k))) }
def mergeIntSum[A](a: Map[A, Int], b: Map[A, Int]): Map[A, Int] =
merge(a, b)((v1, v2) => v2.map(_ + v1).getOrElse(v1))
val a = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 5, "c" -> 6)
val b = Map("a" -> 4, "z" -> 8)
mergeIntSum(a, b)
res0: Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 5, b -> 5, c -> 6, z -> 8)
m2.foldLeft(m1.mapValues{List[CommonType](_)}) { case (acc, (k, v)) =>
acc.updated(k, acc.getOrElse(k, List.empty) :+ v)
As noted by jwvh, List type should be specified explicitly if Class1 is not upper type bound for Class2. CommonType is a type which is upper bound for both Class1 and Class2.