Is there a Python function that will trim whitespace (spaces and tabs) from a string?
Example: \\t example string\\t
→ example string
Is there a Python function that will trim whitespace (spaces and tabs) from a string?
Example: \\t example string\\t
→ example string
Whitespace on both sides:
s = \" \\t a string example\\t \"
s = s.strip()
Whitespace on the right side:
s = s.rstrip()
Whitespace on the left side:
s = s.lstrip()
As thedz points out, you can provide an argument to strip arbitrary characters to any of these functions like this:
s = s.strip(\' \\t\\n\\r\')
This will strip any space, \\t
, \\n
, or \\r
characters from the left-hand side, right-hand side, or both sides of the string.
The examples above only remove strings from the left-hand and right-hand sides of strings. If you want to also remove characters from the middle of a string, try re.sub
import re
print re.sub(\'[\\s+]\', \'\', s)
That should print out:
Python trim
method is called strip
str.strip() #trim
str.lstrip() #ltrim
str.rstrip() #rtrim
For leading and trailing whitespace:
s = \' foo \\t \'
print s.strip() # prints \"foo\"
Otherwise, a regular expression works:
import re
pat = re.compile(r\'\\s+\')
s = \' \\t foo \\t bar \\t \'
print pat.sub(\'\', s) # prints \"foobar\"
You can also use very simple, and basic function: str.replace(), works with the whitespaces and tabs:
>>> whitespaces = \" abcd ef gh ijkl \"
>>> tabs = \" abcde fgh ijkl\"
>>> print whitespaces.replace(\" \", \"\")
>>> print tabs.replace(\" \", \"\")
Simple and easy.
#how to trim a multi line string or a file
s=\"\"\" line one
\\tline two\\t
line three \"\"\"
#line1 starts with a space, #2 starts and ends with a tab, #3 ends with a space.
print s1
[\' line one\', \'\\tline two\\t\', \'line three \']
print [i.strip() for i in s1]
[\'line one\', \'line two\', \'line three\']
#more details:
#we could also have used a forloop from the begining:
for line in s.splitlines():
#we could also be reading a file line by line.. e.g. my_file=open(filename), or with open(filename) as myfile:
for line in my_file:
#moot point: note splitlines() removed the newline characters, we can keep them by passing True:
#although split() will then remove them anyway..
print s2
[\' line one\\n\', \'\\tline two\\t\\n\', \'line three \']
No one has posted these regex solutions yet.
>>> import re
>>> p=re.compile(\'\\\\s*(.*\\\\S)?\\\\s*\')
>>> m=p.match(\' \\t blah \')
>>> m=p.match(\' \\tbl ah \\t \')
\'bl ah\'
>>> m=p.match(\' \\t \')
>>> print
Searching (you have to handle the \"only spaces\" input case differently):
>>> p1=re.compile(\'\\\\S.*\\\\S\')
>>>\' \\tblah \\t \')
>>>\' \\tbl ah \\t \')
\'bl ah\'
>>>\' \\t \')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File \"<stdin>\", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'group\'
If you use re.sub
, you may remove inner whitespace, which could be undesirable.
Whitespace includes space, tabs and CRLF. So an elegant and one-liner string function we can use is translate.
\' hello apple\'.translate(None, \' \\n\\t\\r\')
OR if you want to be thorough
import string
\' hello apple\'.translate(None, string.whitespace)
(re.sub(\' +\', \' \',(my_str.replace(\'\\n\',\' \')))).strip()
This will remove all the unwanted spaces and newline characters. Hope this help
import re
my_str = \' a b \\n c \'
formatted_str = (re.sub(\' +\', \' \',(my_str.replace(\'\\n\',\' \')))).strip()
This will result :
\' a b \\n c \' will be changed to \'a b c\'
something = \"\\t please_ \\t remove_ all_ \\n\\n\\n\\nwhitespaces\\n\\t \"
something = \"\".join(something.split())
output: please_remove_all_whitespaces
try translate
>>> import string
>>> print \'\\t\\r\\n hello \\r\\n world \\t\\r\\n\'
>>> tr = string.maketrans(string.whitespace, \' \'*len(string.whitespace))
>>> \'\\t\\r\\n hello \\r\\n world \\t\\r\\n\'.translate(tr)
\' hello world \'
>>> \'\\t\\r\\n hello \\r\\n world \\t\\r\\n\'.translate(tr).replace(\' \', \'\')
If using Python 3: In your print statement, finish with sep=\"\". That will separate out all of the spaces.
print(\"I love \",txt,\"\",sep=\"\")
This will print: I love potatoes.
Instead of: I love potatoes .
In your case, since you would be trying to get ride of the \\t, do sep=\"\\t\"
Generally, I am using the following method:
>>> myStr = \"Hi\\n Stack Over \\r flow!\"
>>> charList = [u\"\\u005Cn\",u\"\\u005Cr\",u\"\\u005Ct\"]
>>> import re
>>> for i in charList:
myStr = re.sub(i, r\"\", myStr)
>>> myStr
\'Hi Stack Over flow\'
Note: This is only for removing \"\\n\", \"\\r\" and \"\\t\" only. It does not remove extra spaces.
for removing whitespaces from the middle of the string
$p =~ s/\\s//g;
print $p;
This will remove all whitespace and newlines from both the beginning and end of a string:
>>> s = \" \\n\\t \\n some \\n text \\n \"
>>> re.sub(\"^\\s+|\\s+$\", \"\", s)
>>> \"some \\n text\"